Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) Assets (157 in total)

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Renato Guttuso in his study, Velate Varese, Italy, 1960
Renato Guttuso in his study, Velate Varese, Italy, 1960

MEP2349684: Renato Guttuso in his study, Velate Varese, Italy, 1960, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso in his studio while he is cleaning his brushes
Renato Guttuso in his studio while he is cleaning his brushes

MEP2387234: Renato Guttuso in his studio while he is cleaning his brushes, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso inside his study
Renato Guttuso inside his study

MEP2372478: Renato Guttuso inside his study, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso seated among his paintings
Renato Guttuso seated among his paintings

MEP2372479: Renato Guttuso seated among his paintings, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso in his studio, Usmate Velate, Italy, 1980
Renato Guttuso in his studio, Usmate Velate, Italy, 1980

MEP2373699: Renato Guttuso in his studio, Usmate Velate, Italy, 1980, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Enrico Berlinguer behind the painting 'The Funeral of Togliatti' of Renato Guttuso, 1980 (photo)
Enrico Berlinguer behind the painting 'The Funeral of Togliatti' of Renato Guttuso, 1980 (photo)

MEP3616163: Enrico Berlinguer behind the painting 'The Funeral of Togliatti' of Renato Guttuso, 1980 (photo), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso in his study, 1960 (b/w photo)
Renato Guttuso in his study, 1960 (b/w photo)

MEP3616555: Renato Guttuso in his study, 1960 (b/w photo), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso in his study (b/w photo)
Renato Guttuso in his study (b/w photo)

MEP3616565: Renato Guttuso in his study (b/w photo), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

A Shore, by Renato Guttuso, 1955, 20th Century, oil on canvas
A Shore, by Renato Guttuso, 1955, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEB944125: A Shore, by Renato Guttuso, 1955, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Man Walking, 1958 (oil on canvas)
Man Walking, 1958 (oil on canvas)

XAB120878: Man Walking, 1958 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt (w/c on paper)
Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt (w/c on paper)

PRZ704290: Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt (w/c on paper), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm
Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm

MEP850359: Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

The Chair; La Sedia, 1956 (oil on canvas)
The Chair; La Sedia, 1956 (oil on canvas)

CH656080: The Chair; La Sedia, 1956 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

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