Nash, Joseph (d.1922) Assets (697 in total)

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The Rising of the Waziris on the North-West Frontier, the Attack on the British Camp at Wano, in Waziristan (litho)
The Rising of the Waziris on the North-West Frontier, the Attack on the British Camp at Wano, in Waziristan (litho)

LIP1039207: The Rising of the Waziris on the North-West Frontier, the Attack on the British Camp at Wano, in Waziristan (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

LIP1036781: "Good Bye!", the Ill-fated Expedition to Benin leaving Sapele (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

British Bluejackets to the rescue, Cretan Refugees being taken on Board HMS
British Bluejackets to the rescue, Cretan Refugees being taken on Board HMS

LIP1036794: British Bluejackets to the rescue, Cretan Refugees being taken on Board HMS "Barfleur" (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Occupation of Canea, the Flags of the Great Powers floating on the Battlements (litho)
The Occupation of Canea, the Flags of the Great Powers floating on the Battlements (litho)

LIP1036818: The Occupation of Canea, the Flags of the Great Powers floating on the Battlements (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Benin Disaster, a Survivor's Grim Experience (litho)
The Benin Disaster, a Survivor's Grim Experience (litho)

LIP1036846: The Benin Disaster, a Survivor's Grim Experience (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Engagement at Mati, Greek Artillery making Good Practice (litho)
The Engagement at Mati, Greek Artillery making Good Practice (litho)

LIP1036933: The Engagement at Mati, Greek Artillery making Good Practice (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The West Coast of Africa, landing in a Surf Boat at Accra (engraving)
The West Coast of Africa, landing in a Surf Boat at Accra (engraving)

LIP1036348: The West Coast of Africa, landing in a Surf Boat at Accra (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Siege of Suakin (engraving)
The Siege of Suakin (engraving)

LIP1041756: The Siege of Suakin (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Fagoting in Midlothian, Building Operations outside Edinburgh (engraving)
Fagoting in Midlothian, Building Operations outside Edinburgh (engraving)

LIP1045236: Fagoting in Midlothian, Building Operations outside Edinburgh (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

An Ice Railway at Montreal, Canada (engraving)
An Ice Railway at Montreal, Canada (engraving)

LIP1045300: An Ice Railway at Montreal, Canada (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Loss of the
The Loss of the

LIP1045409: The Loss of the "American", making for Cape Palmas (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Travellers from Foreign Climes (engraving)
Travellers from Foreign Climes (engraving)

LIP1045589: Travellers from Foreign Climes (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Nile Expedition for the Relief of General Gordon, Lord Wolseley at the First Cataract (engraving)
The Nile Expedition for the Relief of General Gordon, Lord Wolseley at the First Cataract (engraving)

LIP1045755: The Nile Expedition for the Relief of General Gordon, Lord Wolseley at the First Cataract (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Newcastle (engraving)
The Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Newcastle (engraving)

LIP1045929: The Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Newcastle (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

On a Clyde Steamer, Children feeding Sea-Gulls (engraving)
On a Clyde Steamer, Children feeding Sea-Gulls (engraving)

LIP1045933: On a Clyde Steamer, Children feeding Sea-Gulls (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The O'Connell Centenary Celebration in Dublin (engraving)
The O'Connell Centenary Celebration in Dublin (engraving)

LIP1049249: The O'Connell Centenary Celebration in Dublin (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Collision in the Irish Channel, transhipping the Crew of the
The Collision in the Irish Channel, transhipping the Crew of the

LIP1049299: The Collision in the Irish Channel, transhipping the Crew of the "Vanguard" (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

With the Russians South of the Balkans, General Gourko and his Staff in the Shipka Pass,
With the Russians South of the Balkans, General Gourko and his Staff in the Shipka Pass,

LIP1049611: With the Russians South of the Balkans, General Gourko and his Staff in the Shipka Pass, "Is this the Right Path?" (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Russian Council of War debating the Advisability of a Re-Attack on Plevna (engraving)
Russian Council of War debating the Advisability of a Re-Attack on Plevna (engraving)

LIP1049633: Russian Council of War debating the Advisability of a Re-Attack on Plevna (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Views of the Panama Canal Works from the Isthmus Railway (engraving)
Views of the Panama Canal Works from the Isthmus Railway (engraving)

LIP1050337: Views of the Panama Canal Works from the Isthmus Railway (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Civil War in Spain (engraving)
The Civil War in Spain (engraving)

LIP1048983: The Civil War in Spain (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Victorian Court at the International Exhibition (engraving)
The Victorian Court at the International Exhibition (engraving)

LIP1049016: The Victorian Court at the International Exhibition (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Arctic Expedition, an Esquimaux Ball at Disco (engraving)
The Arctic Expedition, an Esquimaux Ball at Disco (engraving)

LIP1049390: The Arctic Expedition, an Esquimaux Ball at Disco (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

On the Way to India, the Journey of the Prince of Wales (engraving)
On the Way to India, the Journey of the Prince of Wales (engraving)

LIP1049419: On the Way to India, the Journey of the Prince of Wales (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Inundations, Scene on the Road between Radley and Oxford (engraving)
The Inundations, Scene on the Road between Radley and Oxford (engraving)

LIP1049444: The Inundations, Scene on the Road between Radley and Oxford (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Rescue (engraving)
The Rescue (engraving)

LIP1049524: The Rescue (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Our Artist with the Greeks, Sports in the Barracks, Athens (engraving)
Our Artist with the Greeks, Sports in the Barracks, Athens (engraving)

LIP1050110: Our Artist with the Greeks, Sports in the Barracks, Athens (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Harry Rawson's Farewell to the Channel Squadron on Relinquishing his Command (litho)
Sir Harry Rawson's Farewell to the Channel Squadron on Relinquishing his Command (litho)

LIP1040330: Sir Harry Rawson's Farewell to the Channel Squadron on Relinquishing his Command (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

A Norwegian Sealing Ship on Fire in the Arctic Regions (litho)
A Norwegian Sealing Ship on Fire in the Arctic Regions (litho)

LIP1040619: A Norwegian Sealing Ship on Fire in the Arctic Regions (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The War in British East Africa, the Disembarkation of Indian Troops at Mombasa (engraving)
The War in British East Africa, the Disembarkation of Indian Troops at Mombasa (engraving)

LIP1042190: The War in British East Africa, the Disembarkation of Indian Troops at Mombasa (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Electoral Reform Riots in Brussels, Gendarmes charging the Mob in the Place de Louvain (litho)
The Electoral Reform Riots in Brussels, Gendarmes charging the Mob in the Place de Louvain (litho)

LIP1042801: The Electoral Reform Riots in Brussels, Gendarmes charging the Mob in the Place de Louvain (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Bombardment of Metemmeh, the Three Egyptian Gunboats steaming into Action (litho)
The Bombardment of Metemmeh, the Three Egyptian Gunboats steaming into Action (litho)

LIP1042728: The Bombardment of Metemmeh, the Three Egyptian Gunboats steaming into Action (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

LIP1048736: "Good Luck!", Homeward and Outward Bound at St Vincent (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

With Lord Methuen's Force, how the Baggage of the Army is carried (litho)
With Lord Methuen's Force, how the Baggage of the Army is carried (litho)

LIP1048747: With Lord Methuen's Force, how the Baggage of the Army is carried (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

LIP1048546: "Unfit for Further Service", an Examination at the Naval Hospital, Haslar (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

The Imperial Standard being brought into the Cathedral (engraving)
The Imperial Standard being brought into the Cathedral (engraving)

LIP1048214: The Imperial Standard being brought into the Cathedral (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

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