With Admiral Sir W Hewett's Embassy to King John of Abyssinia, an Abyssinian Wedding at Adowa (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The War between Servia and Bulgaria, Hospital for Bulgarian Officers, established in the Protestant Chapel of Prince Alexander at Sofia (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Reward of Bravery, how Surgeon Crimmin won the Victoria Cross at the Battle of Nga Kyaing, Burma (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrest of the Duke of Orleans at the House of the Duke of Luynes, in Paris, after presenting himself at the Recruiting Office for Military Service (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
Captain Schmidt, of the Bulgaria, with his Officers and Men landing at Hamburg after their Perilous Voyage (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Burning of the "Cospatrick", about an Hour and a Half after the Outbreak of the Fire (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The War in Egypt, "Victory!", the Scene immediatley after the Capture of Tel-el-Kebir, 13 September (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images