The Foundering of the French Liner "La Bourgogne", the Desperate Struggle for Life as the Vessel Sank (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
Mr Borchgrevink's Antarctic Expedition, Departure of the "Southern Cross" from Hobart, Tasmania (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Naval Review at Spithead, Visit of the Admirals to the Prince of Wales on Board the Royal Yacht (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
Waiting, the Inhabitants of Fort Victoria, Mashonaland, in Readiness to defend the Fort against an Attack by the Matabeles (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Khedive at Work in his Study at Abdeen Palace, granting an Interview to an Arab Sheik (litho), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Loss of HMS "Victoria", the Men jumping from the Ship as she turned bottom upwards before going down (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images
Unveiling the Monument to the Officers and Crew of HMS "Eurydice" in Shanklin Cemetery, Isle of Wight (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images