Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) Assets (63 in total)

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Figures of musicians
Figures of musicians

FAF3567534: Figures of musicians, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Three characters appearing in the clouds and The landing of Aeneas on the coast of Libya from Aeneid, Canto I (fresco)
Three characters appearing in the clouds and The landing of Aeneas on the coast of Libya from Aeneid, Canto I (fresco)

GRL2384648: Three characters appearing in the clouds and The landing of Aeneas on the coast of Libya from Aeneid, Canto I (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Hunting scene with falcon and Aeneas entering the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI (fresco)
Hunting scene with falcon and Aeneas entering the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI (fresco)

GRL2384661: Hunting scene with falcon and Aeneas entering the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Hunting scene with falcon, detail of 2384661 (fresco)
Hunting scene with falcon, detail of 2384661 (fresco)

GRL2384663: Hunting scene with falcon, detail of 2384661 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Duck hunting scene, detail of 2384664 (fresco)
Duck hunting scene, detail of 2384664 (fresco)

GRL2384666: Duck hunting scene, detail of 2384664 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Naval Combat and Turnus soldiers attack the Trojan field, from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco)
Naval Combat and Turnus soldiers attack the Trojan field, from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco)

GRL2384671: Naval Combat and Turnus soldiers attack the Trojan field, from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Naval Combat, detail of 2384674 fresco)
Naval Combat, detail of 2384674 fresco)

GRL2384673: Naval Combat, detail of 2384674 fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Princely cortège with a landscape in the background and 
Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII (fresco)
Princely cortège with a landscape in the background and 
Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII (fresco)

GRL2384677: Princely cortège with a landscape in the background and Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Royal Parade with a landscape in the background, Aeneid  (fresco)
Royal Parade with a landscape in the background, Aeneid  (fresco)

GRL2384679: Royal Parade with a landscape in the background, Aeneid (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Musical figure (fresco)
Musical figure (fresco)

AII78647: Musical figure (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of Camilla (fresco)
The Death of Camilla (fresco)

FAF191406: The Death of Camilla (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Sleep of Venus (oil on panel)
The Sleep of Venus (oil on panel)

XIR223466: The Sleep of Venus (oil on panel), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Two studies of a seated young man, c.1571 (brown wash with white on brown paper)
Two studies of a seated young man, c.1571 (brown wash with white on brown paper)

FIT283219: Two studies of a seated young man, c.1571 (brown wash with white on brown paper), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Triumphant Entry of Charles IX (1550-74) (pen & ink on paper)
Triumphant Entry of Charles IX (1550-74) (pen & ink on paper)

XIR188730: Triumphant Entry of Charles IX (1550-74) (pen & ink on paper), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

St. John the Evangelist seated on a cloud carried by two angels, accompanied by an eagle, c.1550 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
St. John the Evangelist seated on a cloud carried by two angels, accompanied by an eagle, c.1550 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)

CND219678: St. John the Evangelist seated on a cloud carried by two angels, accompanied by an eagle, c.1550 (pen & ink and w/c on paper), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Naval Siege of a City, (fresco transferred to canvas)
Naval Siege of a City, (fresco transferred to canvas)

MEB853825: Naval Siege of a City, (fresco transferred to canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a young man with a cleft chin, c.1535-45 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a young man with a cleft chin, c.1535-45 (oil on canvas)

ROC424111: Portrait of a young man with a cleft chin, c.1535-45 (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Lunette with portrait heads
Lunette with portrait heads

AII78640: Lunette with portrait heads, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Musical figure (fresco)
Musical figure (fresco)

AII78646: Musical figure (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of Eurydice, 1552-71 (oil on canvas)
The Death of Eurydice, 1552-71 (oil on canvas)

XOS1765877: The Death of Eurydice, 1552-71 (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Turnus and his allies, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384664 (fresco)
Turnus and his allies, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384664 (fresco)

GRL2384667: Turnus and his allies, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384664 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Scandiano landscape within local fair, detail of 2384668 (fresco)
Scandiano landscape within local fair, detail of 2384668 (fresco)

GRL2384670: Scandiano landscape within local fair, detail of 2384668 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Duel between Aeneas and Mesenzio, from Aeneid, Canto X, detail of 2384674 (fresco)
Duel between Aeneas and Mesenzio, from Aeneid, Canto X, detail of 2384674 (fresco)

GRL2384675: Duel between Aeneas and Mesenzio, from Aeneid, Canto X, detail of 2384674 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Continental battle, detial of 2384674 (fresco)
Continental battle, detial of 2384674 (fresco)

GRL2384676: Continental battle, detial of 2384674 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII, detail of 2384677 (fresco)
Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII, detail of 2384677 (fresco)

GRL2384678: Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII, detail of 2384677 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Figures of musicians
Figures of musicians

FAF3567532: Figures of musicians, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Finding of Moses (oil on canvas)
The Finding of Moses (oil on canvas)

PWI93856: The Finding of Moses (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

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