Three characters appearing in the clouds and The landing of Aeneas on the coast of Libya from Aeneid, Canto I (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images
Hunting scene with falcon and Aeneas entering the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images
Princely cortège with a landscape in the background and
Turnus' death, from Aeneid, Canto XII (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images
St. John the Evangelist seated on a cloud carried by two angels, accompanied by an eagle, c.1550 (pen & ink and w/c on paper), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images