Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) Assets (63 in total)

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The Abduction of Proserpine (oil on canvas)
The Abduction of Proserpine (oil on canvas)

XIR93855: The Abduction of Proserpine (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II (fresco)
The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II (fresco)

GRL2384652: The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Aeneas comforted by god Tiber, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384668 (fresco)
Aeneas comforted by god Tiber, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384668 (fresco)

GRL2384669: Aeneas comforted by god Tiber, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384668 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Turnus soldiers attack the Trojan field, from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco)
Turnus soldiers attack the Trojan field, from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco)

GRL2384672: Turnus soldiers attack the Trojan field, from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a man, presumably Ercole II d'Este (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a man, presumably Ercole II d'Este (oil on canvas)

CH3506707: Portrait of a man, presumably Ercole II d'Este (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Eros and Psyche, 16th century (oil on canvas)
Eros and Psyche, 16th century (oil on canvas)

DTR140365: Eros and Psyche, 16th century (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Turnus' death from Aeneid, Canto XII, detail of 2384677 (fresco)
Turnus' death from Aeneid, Canto XII, detail of 2384677 (fresco)

GRL2384680: Turnus' death from Aeneid, Canto XII, detail of 2384677 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Hercules and Cerberus (fresco)
Hercules and Cerberus (fresco)

FAF161760: Hercules and Cerberus (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Matteo Maria Boiardo writing his poem (fresco)
Matteo Maria Boiardo writing his poem (fresco)

GRL2384653: Matteo Maria Boiardo writing his poem (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Turnus and his allies, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384664 (fresco)
Turnus and his allies, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384664 (fresco)

GRL2384665: Turnus and his allies, from Aeneid, Canto VII, detail of 2384664 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifixion with the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and St. John the Evangelist
Crucifixion with the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and St. John the Evangelist

AII78377: Crucifixion with the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and St. John the Evangelist, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Lady with the Green Turban
The Lady with the Green Turban

SCP38607: The Lady with the Green Turban, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II, detail of 2384651 (fresco)
The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II, detail of 2384651 (fresco)

GRL2384654: The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II, detail of 2384651 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Continence of Major Scipio (237-183 BC) (oil on canvas)
The Continence of Major Scipio (237-183 BC) (oil on canvas)

PWI93854: The Continence of Major Scipio (237-183 BC) (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships,from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco)
Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships,from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco)

GRL2384659: Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships,from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Figures of musicians
Figures of musicians

FAF3567533: Figures of musicians, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655(fresco)
Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655(fresco)

GRL2384660: Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655(fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Scenes of the Aeneid, detail of 2384648 (fresco)
Scenes of the Aeneid, detail of 2384648 (fresco)

GRL2384650: Scenes of the Aeneid, detail of 2384648 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Landscape with a woman showing a castle to a child and Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid, Canto V (fresco)
Landscape with a woman showing a castle to a child and Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid, Canto V (fresco)

GRL2384655: Landscape with a woman showing a castle to a child and Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid, Canto V (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a man, presumably Ercole II d'Este (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a man, presumably Ercole II d'Este (oil on canvas)

CH808678: Portrait of a man, presumably Ercole II d'Este (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Musical figure (fresco)
Musical figure (fresco)

AII78645: Musical figure (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid, Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco)
Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid, Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco)

GRL2384656: Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid, Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Eneas enters the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI, detail of 2384661 (fresco)
Eneas enters the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI, detail of 2384661 (fresco)

GRL2384662: Eneas enters the Averno (the Underworld) from Aeneid, Canto VI, detail of 2384661 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Three characters appearing in the clouds, detail of 2384648 (fresco)
Three characters appearing in the clouds, detail of 2384648 (fresco)

GRL2384649: Three characters appearing in the clouds, detail of 2384648 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Landscape with a woman showing a castle to a child, detail of 2384655 (fresco)
Landscape with a woman showing a castle to a child, detail of 2384655 (fresco)

GRL2384657: Landscape with a woman showing a castle to a child, detail of 2384655 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco)
Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco)

GRL2384658: Venus prays Neptune to protect Aeneas' ships from Aeneid Canto V, detail of 2384655 (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Duck hunting scene and  Turnus and his allies from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco)
Duck hunting scene and  Turnus and his allies from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco)

GRL2384664: Duck hunting scene and Turnus and his allies from Aeneid, Canto VII (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Landscape (fresco)
Ancient Landscape (fresco)

FAF181558: Ancient Landscape (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Continental battle and Duel between Aeneas and Mesenzio from Aeneid, Canto X  (fresco)
Continental battle and Duel between Aeneas and Mesenzio from Aeneid, Canto X  (fresco)

GRL2384674: Continental battle and Duel between Aeneas and Mesenzio from Aeneid, Canto X (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation (sanguine on paper)
The Annunciation (sanguine on paper)

XIR434108: The Annunciation (sanguine on paper), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Young Man, c.1540 (oil on panel)
Portrait of a Young Man, c.1540 (oil on panel)

AII50278: Portrait of a Young Man, c.1540 (oil on panel), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

The Boiardo family with musical instruments (oil on canvas)
The Boiardo family with musical instruments (oil on canvas)

XAL440644: The Boiardo family with musical instruments (oil on canvas), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Lunette of a naval attack on a port
Lunette of a naval attack on a port

AII78639: Lunette of a naval attack on a port, Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Matteo Maria Boiardo writing his poem and The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II (fresco)
Matteo Maria Boiardo writing his poem and The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II (fresco)

GRL2384651: Matteo Maria Boiardo writing his poem and The transportation of the horse under the walls of Troy from Aeneid, Canto II (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Scandiano landscape within local fair and Aeneas comforted by god Tiberinus from Aeneid, Canto VIII (fresco)
Scandiano landscape within local fair and Aeneas comforted by god Tiberinus from Aeneid, Canto VIII (fresco)

GRL2384668: Scandiano landscape within local fair and Aeneas comforted by god Tiberinus from Aeneid, Canto VIII (fresco), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

Boiardo writes his Poem and Stories of the Aeneid: Turnus and his Allies, (fresco transferred to canvas probably)
Boiardo writes his Poem and Stories of the Aeneid: Turnus and his Allies, (fresco transferred to canvas probably)

MEB853824: Boiardo writes his Poem and Stories of the Aeneid: Turnus and his Allies, (fresco transferred to canvas probably), Abate, Nicolo dell' (c.1509-71) / Bridgeman Images

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