The Holy Family visited by Saints Elizabeth, Zacharias and the Infant Saint John the Baptist, (oil on panel), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
Diane and nymph Callisto Diane surprises the pregnant callisto nymph of Zeus, The Nymph hides her pregnancy, 17th century (oil on canvas), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
Equestrian portrait of Cardinal Infant Don Ferdinand of Austria at the Battle of Nordlingen, 1634 (oil on canvas), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
Exchange of the two princesses of France and Spain on the Bidassoa river in Hendaye, 9/11/1615 (oil on canvas), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
The Prophete Elijah Receives Bread And Water From An Angel, 17th century (oil on canvas), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
An Autumn Landscape with a view of Het Steen in the Early Morning, c.1636 (oil on panel) (detail of 211075), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
The sacristan accompanying the priest taking the eucharist to a dying man, before 1630 (oil on canvas), Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images