LSE4313072: Saint Bonaventure. (Pendant of Saint Francois in ecstasy). The doctrine of this saint, which was little prized by the Franciscan school until the end of the 16th century, was honoured by the theologians of the Contre Reforme. Scenes of this saint's life are rarely represented due to late canonization. Painting by Pierre Paul (Pierre-Paul) Rubens (or Peter Paul or Petrus Paulus) (1577-1640), oil on canvas, circa 1620. Musee des Beaux Arts de Lille., Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4326466: the abduction of Proserpine around 1636, of Pierre Paul (Pierre-Paul) Rubens (or Peter Paul or Petrus Paulus) (1577-1640), Proserpine, Roman goddess of the seasons, kidnapped by Pluto god of the underworld to make her wife; Minerve, Venus and Diane try to hold Pluto surrounded by two loves. Oil on wood, preserved at the Musee Bonnat de Bayonne. Selva photography, 2008., Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) / Bridgeman Images