Portrait of Kiki de Montparnasse (1901-1953), 1925 (oil and watercolour on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Self-Portrait in the Studio; Autoportrait dans l'Atelier, 1926 (watercolour on silk. Painted in 1926. 72.2 x 60.6cm.), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Self-portrait with Cats; Auto-portrait avec chats, 1930 (oil and gold paint on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Five Girls, Brunettes, Blondes and Red Hair; Cinq Fillettes, Brunes, Blondes et Rousse, 1918-20 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Yellow Poppies in a Pitcher; Coquelicots dans un Pichet Jaune, 1917 (watercolour and gouache on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrival of Westerners in Japan, right hand panel of a triptych, 1929 (w/c on paper) (see also 108554 and 108556), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrival of Westerners in Japan, central panel of triptych, 1929 (w/c on paper) (see also 108555-56), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrival of Westerners in Japan, left hand panel of triptych, 1929 (w/c on paper) (see also 108554-55), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images