Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) Assets (274 in total)

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The Children of Akita, 1937 (oil on canvas)
The Children of Akita, 1937 (oil on canvas)

NUM171597: The Children of Akita, 1937 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

The Perfume Dream, plate XVII from 'La Riviere Enchantee', published 1951 (etching)
The Perfume Dream, plate XVII from 'La Riviere Enchantee', published 1951 (etching)

STC193257: The Perfume Dream, plate XVII from 'La Riviere Enchantee', published 1951 (etching), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Girl with Hood in the Snow; Petit fille au Capuchon sous la neige, 1929 (ink and charcoal on paper)
Girl with Hood in the Snow; Petit fille au Capuchon sous la neige, 1929 (ink and charcoal on paper)

CH828121: Girl with Hood in the Snow; Petit fille au Capuchon sous la neige, 1929 (ink and charcoal on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Two Friends, 1929 (oil, pen and ink on canvas)
Two Friends, 1929 (oil, pen and ink on canvas)

CH987488: Two Friends, 1929 (oil, pen and ink on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

The Couple, c.1917 (watercolour on paper)
The Couple, c.1917 (watercolour on paper)

CH988324: The Couple, c.1917 (watercolour on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

The Baby; La Bebe,  (oil on canvas)
The Baby; La Bebe,  (oil on canvas)

CH825539: The Baby; La Bebe, (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

The Two Kittens; Les Deux Chattons,  (watercolour and pen and ink on paper)
The Two Kittens; Les Deux Chattons,  (watercolour and pen and ink on paper)

CH824278: The Two Kittens; Les Deux Chattons, (watercolour and pen and ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

The Seven Deadly Sins: Games; Les Sept Peches Capitaux; Jeu, 1928 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Games; Les Sept Peches Capitaux; Jeu, 1928 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper)

CH824283: The Seven Deadly Sins: Games; Les Sept Peches Capitaux; Jeu, 1928 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Roses, 1922 (watercolour, pen and black ink and gold leaf on paper)
Roses, 1922 (watercolour, pen and black ink and gold leaf on paper)

CH825220: Roses, 1922 (watercolour, pen and black ink and gold leaf on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Woman; Tete de Femme, 1949 (oil on canvas)
Head of a Woman; Tete de Femme, 1949 (oil on canvas)

CH652308: Head of a Woman; Tete de Femme, 1949 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Young Girl with a Cat; Jeune Fille au Chat, 1952 (oil on canvas)
Young Girl with a Cat; Jeune Fille au Chat, 1952 (oil on canvas)

CH652710: Young Girl with a Cat; Jeune Fille au Chat, 1952 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Young Boy with a Doll; Jeune Garcon a la Poupee, 1926 (watercolour, pen and ink on paper)
Young Boy with a Doll; Jeune Garcon a la Poupee, 1926 (watercolour, pen and ink on paper)

CH652965: Young Boy with a Doll; Jeune Garcon a la Poupee, 1926 (watercolour, pen and ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Two Women in Spring; Deux Femmes au Printemps, (oil on canvas)
Two Women in Spring; Deux Femmes au Printemps, (oil on canvas)

CH652825: Two Women in Spring; Deux Femmes au Printemps, (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child; Mere et Enfant, 1917 (gouache and watercolour on paper)
Mother and Child; Mere et Enfant, 1917 (gouache and watercolour on paper)

CH1768096: Mother and Child; Mere et Enfant, 1917 (gouache and watercolour on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

The Cat; Le Chat, 1940 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper laid down on masonite)
The Cat; Le Chat, 1940 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper laid down on masonite)

CH1768097: The Cat; Le Chat, 1940 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper laid down on masonite), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Woman, c.1964 (watercolour, pen and black ink on paper)
Portrait of a Woman, c.1964 (watercolour, pen and black ink on paper)

CH1768977: Portrait of a Woman, c.1964 (watercolour, pen and black ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Trois nus feminins, 1917 (w/c, pen & brush and ink on paper)
Trois nus feminins, 1917 (w/c, pen & brush and ink on paper)

CH3262216: Trois nus feminins, 1917 (w/c, pen & brush and ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Verso of Jeune couple et animaux, 1917 (w/c & pen and ink on paper)
Verso of Jeune couple et animaux, 1917 (w/c & pen and ink on paper)

CH3262220: Verso of Jeune couple et animaux, 1917 (w/c & pen and ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Six Graces (gouache over gold leaf on paper)
Six Graces (gouache over gold leaf on paper)

CH3262225: Six Graces (gouache over gold leaf on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Femme au chat, portrait de Ghita, 1926 (oil on canvas)
Femme au chat, portrait de Ghita, 1926 (oil on canvas)

CH3267445: Femme au chat, portrait de Ghita, 1926 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Vase de fleurs, 1962 (oil on canvas)
Vase de fleurs, 1962 (oil on canvas)

CH3600750: Vase de fleurs, 1962 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life with Birds; Nature Morte aux Oiseaux, 1956 (oil on canvas)
Still Life with Birds; Nature Morte aux Oiseaux, 1956 (oil on canvas)

CH1196248: Still Life with Birds; Nature Morte aux Oiseaux, 1956 (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images

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