portrait of the Japanese painter Foujita (1886-1968) posing near his “Eve” during the opening of his exhibition at the Paul Petrides gallery in Paris, 1964 (b/w photo), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Four Young Mexican Men; Quatre Garcons Mexicains, (watercolour, pen and black ink and graphite with white chalk on), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Girl with Candles; La Fille aux Chandelles, 1959 (oil over pencil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Virgin and Child; Vierge et Enfant, c.1935-36 (watercolour and gold paint on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Dinner in a Private Room at Maxim's; Souper dans un Cabinet Particulier Chez Maxim's, (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Two Female Nudes; Deux Femmes Nues, 1928 (pen and black ink shaded with graphite, heightened with white chalk on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
The Seven Deadly Sins: Alcohol; Les Sept Peches Capitaux; Alcool, 1928 (watercolour and pen and ink on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Peeling a Potato; Elle Epluchant des Pommes de Terre, (oil on canvas), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Self Portrait with Pipe, 1924 (pencil on two sheets of tracing paper laid down on paper), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Family of cats at play, c.1930 (a 'LAP' (l'Art Antique des Lapidaires) panel, with a synthetic), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Heron de Villefosse, from 'La Riviere Enchantee', published 1951 (etching), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Office Girl, plate XII from 'La Riviere Enchantee', published 1951 (etching), Foujita, Tsuguharu (Tsugouharu) Leonard (1886-1968) / Bridgeman Images