Study of a boy and a foot, 1888 (red chalk, charcoal & pastel on beige paper) (see also 146451), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images
Still life with a Pitcher and Fruit; Nature Morte a la Cruche et aux Fruits, c.1899 (gouache and watercolour monotype), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images
Manao Tupapau (She is Thinking of the Ghost), April 1891-Sept. 1893 (woodcut in black on Japan paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images
Profile of Charles Laval with Palm Tree and Other Sketches (recto), 1887 (chalk with w/c on paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images