Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) Assets (664 in total)

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Human Misery, 1889 (zincograph printed in reddish-brown ink with borderlines in graphite on yellow wove paper)
Human Misery, 1889 (zincograph printed in reddish-brown ink with borderlines in graphite on yellow wove paper)

XCK877190: Human Misery, 1889 (zincograph printed in reddish-brown ink with borderlines in graphite on yellow wove paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Washerwomen, 1889 (zincograph)
Washerwomen, 1889 (zincograph)

XCK877191: Washerwomen, 1889 (zincograph), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Dramas of the Sea: Brittany, 1889 (zincograph)
Dramas of the Sea: Brittany, 1889 (zincograph)

XCK877192: Dramas of the Sea: Brittany, 1889 (zincograph), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Maruru: Thanks, April 1891-Sept. 1893 (woodcut printed in brown-black & other colors on Japan paper pasted down on a piece of cardboard)
Maruru: Thanks, April 1891-Sept. 1893 (woodcut printed in brown-black & other colors on Japan paper pasted down on a piece of cardboard)

XCK877200: Maruru: Thanks, April 1891-Sept. 1893 (woodcut printed in brown-black & other colors on Japan paper pasted down on a piece of cardboard), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Women with a Peacock, Relief, 1901-3 (wood)
Women with a Peacock, Relief, 1901-3 (wood)

XOS5615475: Women with a Peacock, Relief, 1901-3 (wood), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Martinique Pastorals, 1889 (zincograph on canary yellow wove paper)
Martinique Pastorals, 1889 (zincograph on canary yellow wove paper)

IMA428375: Martinique Pastorals, 1889 (zincograph on canary yellow wove paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Old Ladies of Arles, 1889, (Zincograph on canary yellow wove paper)
The Old Ladies of Arles, 1889, (Zincograph on canary yellow wove paper)

IMA485305: The Old Ladies of Arles, 1889, (Zincograph on canary yellow wove paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Tahitian heads, 19th century (watercolour)
Tahitian heads, 19th century (watercolour)

JLJ4649251: Tahitian heads, 19th century (watercolour), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - First page of main text , 1903 (pen and black ink on wove paper)
Avant et après - First page of main text , 1903 (pen and black ink on wove paper)

COU6356575: Avant et après - First page of main text , 1903 (pen and black ink on wove paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - Description of Gauguin's stay with Vincent van Gogh in Arles (P. 14), 1903 (pen and black ink on wove paper)
Avant et après - Description of Gauguin's stay with Vincent van Gogh in Arles (P. 14), 1903 (pen and black ink on wove paper)

COU6356579: Avant et après - Description of Gauguin's stay with Vincent van Gogh in Arles (P. 14), 1903 (pen and black ink on wove paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - drawing
Avant et après - drawing

COU6356583: Avant et après - drawing "À quoi-penses-tu? Je ne sais pas", 1903 (graphite, pen and black ink on wove paper), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - Hue Coco, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink (recto), graphite (verso) on wove paper, laid down on album page in horizontal orientation )
Avant et après - Hue Coco, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink (recto), graphite (verso) on wove paper, laid down on album page in horizontal orientation )

COU6356591: Avant et après - Hue Coco, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink (recto), graphite (verso) on wove paper, laid down on album page in horizontal orientation ), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - Head of a Marquesan woman, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; no drawing on the verso)
Avant et après - Head of a Marquesan woman, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; no drawing on the verso)

COU6356595: Avant et après - Head of a Marquesan woman, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; no drawing on the verso), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; possibly only partially traced on the verso)
Avant et après - Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; possibly only partially traced on the verso)

COU6356607: Avant et après - Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; possibly only partially traced on the verso), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avant et après - Seated woman, cat with kittens and a pig, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; oriented horizontally with lower edge toward the gutter; limited view of verso, presumably no verso drawing)
Avant et après - Seated woman, cat with kittens and a pig, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; oriented horizontally with lower edge toward the gutter; limited view of verso, presumably no verso drawing)

COU6356618: Avant et après - Seated woman, cat with kittens and a pig, 1903 (traced monotype printed in black ink on wove paper, laid down on album page; oriented horizontally with lower edge toward the gutter; limited view of verso, presumably no verso drawing), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Man, 1884 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Man, 1884 (oil on canvas)

CH1768842: Portrait of a Man, 1884 (oil on canvas), Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) / Bridgeman Images

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