Russia's Latest Demand in China, Shan Hai Kwan, requisitioned with a View to connecting Peking with the Manchurian Railway (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
"Country Fair and Market" at Streatham for the British Home for Incurables, 3 July to 5 July (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The Princess of Wales and her Favourite Yearling "Alexandra" at the Stud Farm, Sandringham (engraving), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The Visit of the German Emperor to the Lakes, embarking at the "Old England" Landing-Stage, Bowness (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The Trouble in Sierra Leone, the Rising in the Sulima and Manoh Districts of the Vai Country (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
Visit of the Prince of Wales to Lambton Castle, the Seat of the Earl of Durham, a Royal Shoot (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
"Michael and His Lost Angel," Mr Henry Arthur Jones's New Play at the Lyceum Theatre (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The Ashanti Expedition, an Alarm at Ejuvassi, on the Way to Coomassie, Houssas turn out to repel a Supposed Attack (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images