Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908)

Creator details

Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908)

Assets (262 in total)

With the Allied Forces in China (litho)
The Expedition to Tientsin (litho)
Bombardment of Forts at Taku by Gun-Boats, the Scene just at Dawn (engraving)
The Crisis in China (litho)
With the Allied Forces in China (litho)
Russia's Latest Demand in China, Shan Hai Kwan, requisitioned with a View to connecting Peking with the Manchurian Railway (litho)
The Growth of Russian Influence in the Far East, Manchuria (litho)
Christmas at the Lych-Gate (litho)
Ferdinand de Lesseps (engraving)
Gold in Wales, the British Gold-Fields Mine, near Dolgelly (litho)
Mafeking, the Pattern of Stubborn Defence (litho)

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