De Aar, showing Railway to Kimberley, with Tafelberg in the Distance, about Thirty-Five Miles off (litho), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The Pacification of Crete, Meeting of Prince George and the Admirals at Milo, 20 December 1898 (engraving), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
"The Prisoner of Zenda," the New Play at the St James's Theatre, adapted by Edward Rose from Anthony Hope's Novel (engraving), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The Fall of the Campanile of St Mark's Cathedral, Venice, on 14 July, the Famous Tower as it stood for Ten Centuries (engraving), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
A Novel Way of Travelling, the Prince of Wales landing from the "Osborne" at Mount Edgcumbe Park, Saturday, 27 August (engraving), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images
Mr Laurence Irving's New Play, "Bonnie Dundee," at the Adelphi Theatre (engraving), Holland Tringham, Joseph (1861-1908) / Bridgeman Images