ELD4861633: The Battle of Cannanor took place in march 1506 off the harbour of Cannanore in India, between the Indian fleet of the Samorin of Calicut and a Portuguese fleet under Lourenco de Almeida, son of the Viceroy Almeida) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli in “” Histoire des navigateurs”” by Giudici, 1936 Collection privee, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4850336: The king of Sicily Manfred I leaving his wife Helene (Elena) and his children to go to fight against his rival Charles I of Anjou in 1266 (Manfred, King of Sicily leaves his wife Helena Angelina Doukaina and his family to go to fight against his rival Charles I of Sicily) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “” Storia d'Italia” (History-D' Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4850458: The Gallic leader Vercingetorix (80-46 BC) going to Jules Cesar (100-44 BC) to Alesia in 52 BC - Vercingetorix (72-46 BC) gallic leader, surrendering to Caesar in Alesia (France), 52 BC Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849206: God wants it: at the Council of Clermont (today Clermont Ferrand (Clermont-Ferrand), in Auvergne), Peter the Hermit (1050-1115) preached the first crusade before Pope Urban II, 1095 (Peter the Hermit, preacher for the First Crusades, 1095) Illustration of Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “Storia d'Italia” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849274: Representation of the Carroccio, a large cart bearing the city signs and around which gathered the militias of the communes of the Po plain, invented by the arch of Milan Aribert (Ariberto) in 1037 during the siege of the city by Emperor Conrad II the Salic (990-1039) (View of the carroccio, War altar used in 1037-1038 in the defence of Milan against emperor Conrad II) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849357: First Crusade (1096-1099): “” The Doge of Venice Vitale Falier preaching the crusade in the new Basilica of St. Mark in Venice, Italy, 1095”” (The Doge of Venice in San Marco inviting people and soldiers to join the Crusade in the brand new basilica of San Marco, c 1095) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Orioria d'Italia”” ( History-of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849743: Pope Martin I (600-656) arrested by the guards of the exarch Theodore Calliopas in the Basilica of Laterano on 17/06/653 (Pope Martin I arrested in the Lateran on 17th June 653 by exarch of Ravenna Theodore I Calliopas) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “” d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Collection private, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4854762: In 1438, during the war between Venice and Milan, Niccolo Piccinino, fighting for the duchy of Milan Filippo Maria Visconti, tried to take the city of Brescia, in Lombardy, but Scaramuccia da Forli, fighting for Venice, intervened successfully to raise the siege) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia”” by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4854812: Proclamation of the Ambrosian Republic (Repubblica Ambrosiana), a Republican government created in Milan in 1447 by a group of nobles and jurists of the University of Pavia, Gibelins and Viscontians, following the emptiness left by the death of the Duke of Milan, Philippe Marie Visconti - (The Golden Ambrosian Republic (Aurea Repubblica Ambrosiana, 144brosiana) 7-1450) was a short-lived government founded in Milan by members of the University of Pavia with popular support) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia” by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4854818: The Doge of Venice Francesco Foscari (1373-1457) facing his son Jacopo accuses of corruption is sentenced to exile in 1445 (Doge of Venice Francesco Foscari and his son Jacopo tried by the Council of Ten on charges of bribery and corruption and exiled from the city, 1445) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “” d'Italia”” (History-D Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4856327: The French troops of the marechal La Feuillade abandoning Messina during the revolt of the city against the Spanish occupation, 1674-1678 (Anti-Spanish revolt of Messina, Sicily, 1674 - 1678: french army of king Louis XIV leave the island and abandons the population) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “” Storia d'Italia” (Histoiana -D Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4856762: Representation of Fra Diavolo (nickname Michele Pezza) (1760-1806), Brigand and Chief Neapolitan insurgent against the Armee of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1799 (Portrait of Fra Diavolo (Michele Pezza) amous Neapolitan guerrilla leader who resisted the French occupation of Naples, 1799) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (186di Scarpelli 6-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History-D Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4856156: Portrait of Cosimo (Come) I of Tuscany (Cosimo de Medici) (1519-1574), circulating through the streets of Florence, surrounded members of his militia composed of Spanish and German soldiers (Portrait of Cosimo I de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, protected by his bodyguards) Illustration of Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” d'Italia”” (History of Italy ) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4856255: Portrait of the painter Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio 1483 - 1520) painting the Fornarina (Italian painter Raphael and the young lady called the Fornarina) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images