ELD4856625: revolution francaise de 1789: la prise de la Bastille on July 14, 1789, allegory of the people under the features of a woman holdint a torch and a sword, wearing a Phrygian cap - Yeah. Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4850488: Jules Cesar crosses the river of Rubicon with his legions in arms on January 10, 49 BC in the footsteps of Pompee the Great (Gneo Pompeo Magno or Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, 106-48 BC) and violates the law of the Roman Senate which prohibited a Roman general from crossing the border river of Cisalpine Gaul - Crossing the river, Jules Cesar prononca The famous formula Alea jacta est”” (Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) Crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC from Cisalpine Gaul to Italy to make his way to Rome - Caesar uttered the famous phrase alea iacta est (“the die has been cast”)) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4853199: Roman antiquite: Second Punic War (218-202 BC), the passage of the Alps, 218 BC, by Carthaginian General Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC) (Second Punic War: Hannibal crossing the Alps) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849613: Barbarian invasions, bag of Rome: “” The king of the Visigoths Alaric I (370-410) receives the representatives of the city of Rome who came to bargain at the time of the capture of the city in 410 AD” (Barbarian invasion, Sack of Rome, 410 AD: king of Visigoths Alaric I receives novel ambassadors) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (186-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4850133: Emperor Frederic I Barberossa (1122-1190) during the Battle of Legnano on 29/05/1176 against the troops of the Lombardy League commanded by Alberto da Giussano in Italy (The Battle of Legnano fought on 29th May 1176, between the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, led by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (on the white horse), and the Lombard League) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4852853: Second Samnite War, Battle of the Caudine Forks in 321 BC, the Roman army of the consuls Tiberius Veturius Calvinus and Spurius Postumius Albinus prisonniere of the samnites of Caius Pontius is placed naked under the yoke, supreme shame reducing them to the state of betail, 321 BC - (Second Samnite War, of the Caudine Forks, 321 BC, the novel prisoners are under the yoke of the samnites) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia”” by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images