ELD4849100: Representation of Pope John XIII (Giovanni, Ioannes) (965-972) victim of a conspiracy which in December 965, during a riot led by Prefet Peter Cesi and the army of Count Rotfred of Campania, was imprisoned and confined in the castle of Saint Angel in Rome, Italy (The leaders of the Roman militia Peter, the Prefect of the city of Rome, together with the city of Rome, together with Rofred, the Count of Roman campagna captured the pope John XIII on 16th december 965, and imprisoned him in Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome) Illustration Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4857548: King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies returning to Naples, January 1801 after the end of french occupation and parthenopaean republic Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) “” Storia d'Italia”” (History-D Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4856620: Pope Clement XIV (1705-1774) became uncomfortable shortly after signing the bubble suppressing the company of Jesus (Jesuits) on 21/07/1773 (Pope Clement XIV touched by a stranges disease few days shortly after the supression of the society of Jesus (jesuits) 1773) Illustration of Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from ““Storia d'Italia”” (History-D' Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4856828: Death of General Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux (1768-1800) at the Battle of Marengo on 14/06/1800 (The death of general Desaix during the battle of Marengo, 14th June 1800) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia” by Paolo Giudici”, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849953: A young soldier sabotages on nights the catapults of the saracens during the siege of Salerno by the muslims, Italy, 871 Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) taken from “” Storia d'Italia””” (Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4850108: The submission of the city of Milan to Emperor Frederic I Barberossa (1122-1190) after the capture of the city during his second trip to Italy in 1158 (Second Italian campaign, emperor Frederick Barbarossa seated on the throne after the capture of the city of Milan receives the banner symbol of yelding) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) tiree by “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4855067: Italian War (1494-1497): “” Negotiations between Pier (Piero) Capponi, Condottiere and Head of the Florentine Republic and King of France Charles VIII (1470-1498), 1494” (Italian wars, italian statesman Piero Capponi negociating treaty between France and republic of Florence with king Charles VIII) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4849157: Arduin, Marquis of Igree (955-1014) (Arduino da Dadone or Arduino da Pombia or Ivrea) ursurper of the Italian throne in conflict with the eveques of Vercelli (King of Italy Arduin (955-1015) against the bishops of Vercelli) Illustration of Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Oria d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4866652: First World War: the first battles of the Italian army (bersagliers) near Cervignano del Friuli on 24/05/1915” (WWI; italian entrance in war: first battle of italian bersaglieri in Cervignano del Friuli, 24th May 1915) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (Histoiana Re-d'Italie) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4853032: Egyptian Antiquite: “” The Death of Cleopatra”” The Queen of Egypt Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (69-30 BC) suicide by being bitten by two aspics snakes (Suicide of Egypt Cleopatra) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giant Udici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4860286: Franco-Prussian War of 1870: Italian Patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi during the Battles of Dijon, 1870-1871 - Garibaldi during the Battles of Dijon, Burgundy 1870-1871 Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia” by Paolo Giudici Collection, 1930 privately, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4860380: Risorgimento: Meeting at Teano de Vittorio Emanuele II (Victor Emmanuel II) (Victor-Emmanuel) (1820-1878) and Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) on 26 October 1860 (The meeting of Teano between king of Sardinia Victor Emmanuel and Giuseppe Garibaldi, 26th October 1860) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1966-1942 37) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4860925: Risorgimento, birth of the Republic of St. Mark (Repubblica di San Marco) in Venice: Daniele Manin (1804-1857) and Niccolo Tommaseo (1802-1874) are released from prison on 18/03/1848” (Foundation of Republic of San Marco, Daniele Manin and Niccolo Tommaseo are freed, 18th march 1848” Scarcredi Illustration Pelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia “” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4860847: The Abdication of King Charles-Albert of Sardinia (Carlo Alberto di Savoia) (1798-1849) on behalf of his son Victor Emmanuel (Vittorio Emanuele II) (1820-1878) on 23/03/1849 (king Charles Albert of Sardinia abdicating on 23th March 1849 in favor of his son Victor Emmanuel II) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-Tancredi Scarpelli 1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History- by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4853316: Roman antiquite: “” Cornelie, mother of the Gracques””” Cornelie (Cornelia Africana) (189-110 BC), mother of the Gracques presents her children as her most beautiful jewels in front of a lady from Campania who came to show her hers - Her two children are named Tiberio Sempronio Gracco (162-133 BC) and Gaio (Caio Gracco) Sempronio (154-122 BC) (Tibere and Caius) ( Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Caius Sempronius Gracchus (Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4855921: Conquete of the Milanese: “” The king of France Francois I (1494-1547) crossed the Alps by the silver massif on 15/08/1515”” (“Francis 'First Italian War”” (1515-1516): king Francis I of France crossing the alps though the hill of Argentera, August 1515) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4866886: Italian-Turkish War: “” Portrait of Italian General Giovanni Ameglio after the conquest of the island of Rhodes in 1912”” (Italian-Turkish War: portrait of Italian general Giovanni Ameglio after Rhodes conquest, 1912) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History) by Paera olo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4867060: First World War: Portrait of General Armando Diaz (1861-1928) Chief of Staff of the Italian Army” (WWI: Italian General Armando Diaz) llustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection, Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images
GIA4704611: The Roman statesman Ciceron (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (106-43 BC) crosses the conspirator Catilina (Lucius Sergius Catilina) (108-62 BC), which he denounces in 63 BC during the speeches of the catilinaries. Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937), Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937) / Bridgeman Images