Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) Assets (487 in total)

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Draped Reclining Figure: Knee, 1981, by Henry Moore (1898-1986)
Draped Reclining Figure: Knee, 1981, by Henry Moore (1898-1986)

JKL66677: Draped Reclining Figure: Knee, 1981, by Henry Moore (1898-1986), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure on a Pedestal, 1959-60, by Henry Moore (1898-1986) (bronze)
Reclining Figure on a Pedestal, 1959-60, by Henry Moore (1898-1986) (bronze)

JKL66679: Reclining Figure on a Pedestal, 1959-60, by Henry Moore (1898-1986) (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Square Form, 1936 (green hornton stone)
Square Form, 1936 (green hornton stone)

UEA419988: Square Form, 1936 (green hornton stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure No.2, 1953 (bronze)
Reclining Figure No.2, 1953 (bronze)

HLN428564: Reclining Figure No.2, 1953 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1938 (lead)
Reclining Figure, 1938 (lead)

LMG1219332: Reclining Figure, 1938 (lead), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Minerva, Prometheus and Pandora, (watercolor, charcoal and colored wax crayons on paper)
Minerva, Prometheus and Pandora, (watercolor, charcoal and colored wax crayons on paper)

CH1196222: Minerva, Prometheus and Pandora, (watercolor, charcoal and colored wax crayons on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Pandora and the Imprisoned Statues, 1947-49 (pencil, crayon, w/c wash with pen & ink)
Pandora and the Imprisoned Statues, 1947-49 (pencil, crayon, w/c wash with pen & ink)

BAL3118: Pandora and the Imprisoned Statues, 1947-49 (pencil, crayon, w/c wash with pen & ink), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Stringed Figure, 1939 (polished bronze strung with wire)
Stringed Figure, 1939 (polished bronze strung with wire)

LMG1203512: Stringed Figure, 1939 (polished bronze strung with wire), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Two Women Bathing Child, 1973, published 1975 (litho)
Two Women Bathing Child, 1973, published 1975 (litho)

DMA1070896: Two Women Bathing Child, 1973, published 1975 (litho), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Tunnel, Arch and Window, 1971 (etching, aquatint, and drypoint)
Tunnel, Arch and Window, 1971 (etching, aquatint, and drypoint)

DMA1068851: Tunnel, Arch and Window, 1971 (etching, aquatint, and drypoint), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Head, 1930 (lead)
Head, 1930 (lead)

LMG1219336: Head, 1930 (lead), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Oval with Points sculpture by Henry Moore, Cadiz, Spain (photo)
Oval with Points sculpture by Henry Moore, Cadiz, Spain (photo)

SCN3283570: Oval with Points sculpture by Henry Moore, Cadiz, Spain (photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure Sculpture by Henry Moore, Cadiz, Spain (photo)
Reclining Figure Sculpture by Henry Moore, Cadiz, Spain (photo)

SCN3283590: Reclining Figure Sculpture by Henry Moore, Cadiz, Spain (photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Sheep and Two Lambs (pen, pencil and wash on paper)
Sheep and Two Lambs (pen, pencil and wash on paper)

CK135511: Sheep and Two Lambs (pen, pencil and wash on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Sheep and Two Lambs, 1981 (pencil, ballpoint pen and w/c on paper)
Sheep and Two Lambs, 1981 (pencil, ballpoint pen and w/c on paper)

CK135512: Sheep and Two Lambs, 1981 (pencil, ballpoint pen and w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Drawing for stone sculpture, 1959 (chalk and w/c on paper)
Drawing for stone sculpture, 1959 (chalk and w/c on paper)

CK135514: Drawing for stone sculpture, 1959 (chalk and w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Trees in Winter 11, 1977 (charcoal and w/c on paper)
Trees in Winter 11, 1977 (charcoal and w/c on paper)

CK135516: Trees in Winter 11, 1977 (charcoal and w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figures, 1944 (chalk, ink and w/c on paper)
Reclining Figures, 1944 (chalk, ink and w/c on paper)

CK135518: Reclining Figures, 1944 (chalk, ink and w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Eight Maquettes for English Electricity Building, London, 1954 (plaster)
Eight Maquettes for English Electricity Building, London, 1954 (plaster)

LMG139527: Eight Maquettes for English Electricity Building, London, 1954 (plaster), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Woman Holding a Lamp with Six Head Studies and Two Reclining Figures, 1942 (ink, w/c & gouache on paper)
Woman Holding a Lamp with Six Head Studies and Two Reclining Figures, 1942 (ink, w/c & gouache on paper)

LEF219108: Woman Holding a Lamp with Six Head Studies and Two Reclining Figures, 1942 (ink, w/c & gouache on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Study for Northampton Madonna, 1944 (w/c, gouache, graphite and ink on paper)
Study for Northampton Madonna, 1944 (w/c, gouache, graphite and ink on paper)

LEF219110: Study for Northampton Madonna, 1944 (w/c, gouache, graphite and ink on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child in Ladderback Chair, 1952 (bronze)
Mother and Child in Ladderback Chair, 1952 (bronze)

FER185305: Mother and Child in Ladderback Chair, 1952 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Standing figure, internal and external forms, 1953-54 (bronze) (see also 152512)
Standing figure, internal and external forms, 1953-54 (bronze) (see also 152512)

XKH152511: Standing figure, internal and external forms, 1953-54 (bronze) (see also 152512), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for a poem by Sir Herbert Read, 1946 (pencil, w/c, crayon, pen & ink with gouache) (For reverse side see 62221)
Illustration for a poem by Sir Herbert Read, 1946 (pencil, w/c, crayon, pen & ink with gouache) (For reverse side see 62221)

BON62220: Illustration for a poem by Sir Herbert Read, 1946 (pencil, w/c, crayon, pen & ink with gouache) (For reverse side see 62221), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Odysseus in the Naiads' Cave, 1944 (crayon, chalk, wash & wax on paper)
Odysseus in the Naiads' Cave, 1944 (crayon, chalk, wash & wax on paper)

UEA420103: Odysseus in the Naiads' Cave, 1944 (crayon, chalk, wash & wax on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Family Group, 1945 (w/c & wax on paper)
Family Group, 1945 (w/c & wax on paper)

UEA420104: Family Group, 1945 (w/c & wax on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Model (wax)
Model (wax)

LMG808518: Model (wax), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1935 (corsehill stone)
Reclining Figure, 1935 (corsehill stone)

FFA316513: Reclining Figure, 1935 (corsehill stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Shelter Drawing: Three Sleeping Figures, 1941 (pencil, crayon & wash on paper)
Shelter Drawing: Three Sleeping Figures, 1941 (pencil, crayon & wash on paper)

PNH347153: Shelter Drawing: Three Sleeping Figures, 1941 (pencil, crayon & wash on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Printed Cotton, 1954 (textile)
Printed Cotton, 1954 (textile)

WHT868375: Printed Cotton, 1954 (textile), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Maquette for Upright Motive No.3, 1955 (bronze)
Maquette for Upright Motive No.3, 1955 (bronze)

LMG833509: Maquette for Upright Motive No.3, 1955 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1936 (green Hornton stone)
Mother and Child, 1936 (green Hornton stone)

LMG833500: Mother and Child, 1936 (green Hornton stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

W.B. Yeats Memorial statue
W.B. Yeats Memorial statue

SLR3829585: W.B. Yeats Memorial statue, Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Oliver Knussen & Jonathan Reekie Pictured in front of Henry Moore sculpture, smoking and talking
Oliver Knussen & Jonathan Reekie Pictured in front of Henry Moore sculpture, smoking and talking

BPF3922160: Oliver Knussen & Jonathan Reekie Pictured in front of Henry Moore sculpture, smoking and talking, Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Jardins de l'Unesco, with the henry Moore' sculpture (photo)
Jardins de l'Unesco, with the henry Moore' sculpture (photo)

MDA4547185: Jardins de l'Unesco, with the henry Moore' sculpture (photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Miners waiting to enter the elevator. Drawing by Henry Moore, 1942.
Miners waiting to enter the elevator. Drawing by Henry Moore, 1942.

IBE5391423: Miners waiting to enter the elevator. Drawing by Henry Moore, 1942., Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

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