Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) Assets (487 in total)

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Two Reclining Figures: Ideas for Metal Sculpture, 1939 (charcoal and watercolour)
Two Reclining Figures: Ideas for Metal Sculpture, 1939 (charcoal and watercolour)

XCS5984039: Two Reclining Figures: Ideas for Metal Sculpture, 1939 (charcoal and watercolour), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure Architectural Background I, 1977 (lithograph)
Reclining Figure Architectural Background I, 1977 (lithograph)

LYT6951086: Reclining Figure Architectural Background I, 1977 (lithograph), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Head 1950, 1958 (crayon with w/c, wash, and brush & ink on paper)
Head 1950, 1958 (crayon with w/c, wash, and brush & ink on paper)

BAL3131: Head 1950, 1958 (crayon with w/c, wash, and brush & ink on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Nude, 1945 (bronze)
Reclining Nude, 1945 (bronze)

NUM42057: Reclining Nude, 1945 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Two Piece Reclining Figure No.2, edition of 7, 1960 (bronze)
Two Piece Reclining Figure No.2, edition of 7, 1960 (bronze)

BAL58159: Two Piece Reclining Figure No.2, edition of 7, 1960 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Morning After the Blitz, 1941 (pencil, w/c & chalk on paper)
Morning After the Blitz, 1941 (pencil, w/c & chalk on paper)

PFA105974: Morning After the Blitz, 1941 (pencil, w/c & chalk on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Pointed figure (bronze)
Pointed figure (bronze)

XYC137362: Pointed figure (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

The Warrior (bronze)
The Warrior (bronze)

BAL115174: The Warrior (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Helmet Head, No.3, 1960 (bronze)
Helmet Head, No.3, 1960 (bronze)

XYC118540: Helmet Head, No.3, 1960 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Two Seated Figures, 1954 (w/c & ink on paper)
Two Seated Figures, 1954 (w/c & ink on paper)

NUM118135: Two Seated Figures, 1954 (w/c & ink on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1956 (bronze)
Reclining Figure, 1956 (bronze)

NUM118156: Reclining Figure, 1956 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1930 (ironstone) (see also 419985)
Reclining Figure, 1930 (ironstone) (see also 419985)

UEA419985: Reclining Figure, 1930 (ironstone) (see also 419985), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Bird scarf, 1945 (crepe silk)
Bird scarf, 1945 (crepe silk)

JSC383840: Bird scarf, 1945 (crepe silk), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Mother and Child, 1979 (bronze with green patina)
Reclining Mother and Child, 1979 (bronze with green patina)

JSC391825: Reclining Mother and Child, 1979 (bronze with green patina), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Seated Figure (Thin Head), 1984 (bronze) (see also 391823)
Seated Figure (Thin Head), 1984 (bronze) (see also 391823)

JSC391824: Seated Figure (Thin Head), 1984 (bronze) (see also 391823), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Mother and Child, 1979 (bronze with green patina)
Reclining Mother and Child, 1979 (bronze with green patina)

JSC391826: Reclining Mother and Child, 1979 (bronze with green patina), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Study for 'Reclining Mother and Child', 1979 (crayon & white chalk on paper)
Study for 'Reclining Mother and Child', 1979 (crayon & white chalk on paper)

JSC382141: Study for 'Reclining Mother and Child', 1979 (crayon & white chalk on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Rocking Chair No. 2 (bronze) (see also 44604)
Rocking Chair No. 2 (bronze) (see also 44604)

XBP341846: Rocking Chair No. 2 (bronze) (see also 44604), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Pointed Torso (bronze with brown patina)
Pointed Torso (bronze with brown patina)

RCA354860: Pointed Torso (bronze with brown patina), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Study for an illustration for a poem by Sir Herbert Read, c.1950 (pen & ink with crayon & wash on paper)
Study for an illustration for a poem by Sir Herbert Read, c.1950 (pen & ink with crayon & wash on paper)

XYC288969: Study for an illustration for a poem by Sir Herbert Read, c.1950 (pen & ink with crayon & wash on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Study for Reclining Figure in Wood, 1940 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
Study for Reclining Figure in Wood, 1940 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)

LEF218877: Study for Reclining Figure in Wood, 1940 (pen & ink and w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Woman, 1957 (bronze)
Woman, 1957 (bronze)

FFA316526: Woman, 1957 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

declining Figure, 1962 (bronze)
declining Figure, 1962 (bronze)

FFA316529: declining Figure, 1962 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1963-63 (bronze)
Reclining Figure, 1963-63 (bronze)

FFA316534: Reclining Figure, 1963-63 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Three Way Piece, 1964 (bronze)
Three Way Piece, 1964 (bronze)

FFA315891: Three Way Piece, 1964 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Tue 03, 1954 - He Calls It” Draped Torso”... Latest work of sculptor Henry Moore: Famous for his ultra -modern Art - is sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange pieces is this bronze creation which be has called” Draped Torso” - which has been sent from London to Manchester on approval.. It is being examined by Alderman George Grindley.. Many contrasting remarks were heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - were heard at the showing - some said” Caharming” - some said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks like a frozen vest a wintry clothes - line '
Tue 03, 1954 - He Calls It” Draped Torso”... Latest work of sculptor Henry Moore: Famous for his ultra -modern Art - is sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange pieces is this bronze creation which be has called” Draped Torso” - which has been sent from London to Manchester on approval.. It is being examined by Alderman George Grindley.. Many contrasting remarks were heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - were heard at the showing - some said” Caharming” - some said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks like a frozen vest a wintry clothes - line '

ZUM4919019: Tue 03, 1954 - He Calls It” Draped Torso”... Latest work of sculptor Henry Moore: Famous for his ultra -modern Art - is sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange pieces is this bronze creation which be has called” Draped Torso” - which has been sent from London to Manchester on approval.. It is being examined by Alderman George Grindley.. Many contrasting remarks were heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - were heard at the showing - some said” Caharming” - some said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks like a frozen vest a wintry clothes - line ', Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Tue 03, 1954 - Famous for his ultra-modern Art - is Sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange ~ ~ ~ ieces is this bronze creation which he has called ~ ~ ~ raped Torso” - which has been sent from London to ~ ~ ~ anchester on approval. It is being exam ~ ed by ~ ~ ~ derman Georce Grindley. Many cintrasting remarks ~ ~ ~ are heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - ~ ~ ome said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks ~ ~ ~ ke a frozen vest on a vintry cloths-line '
Tue 03, 1954 - Famous for his ultra-modern Art - is Sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange ~ ~ ~ ieces is this bronze creation which he has called ~ ~ ~ raped Torso” - which has been sent from London to ~ ~ ~ anchester on approval. It is being exam ~ ed by ~ ~ ~ derman Georce Grindley. Many cintrasting remarks ~ ~ ~ are heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - ~ ~ ome said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks ~ ~ ~ ke a frozen vest on a vintry cloths-line '

ZUM4917315: Tue 03, 1954 - Famous for his ultra-modern Art - is Sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange ~ ~ ~ ieces is this bronze creation which he has called ~ ~ ~ raped Torso” - which has been sent from London to ~ ~ ~ anchester on approval. It is being exam ~ ed by ~ ~ ~ derman Georce Grindley. Many cintrasting remarks ~ ~ ~ are heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - ~ ~ ome said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks ~ ~ ~ ke a frozen vest on a vintry cloths-line ', Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Feb. 02, 1954 - Henry Moore Holds A 'One Man' Exhibition King And Queen '... Modern Art
Feb. 02, 1954 - Henry Moore Holds A 'One Man' Exhibition King And Queen '... Modern Art

ZUM4911503: Feb. 02, 1954 - Henry Moore Holds A 'One Man' Exhibition King And Queen '... Modern Art, Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Girl, 1932 (boxwood)
Girl, 1932 (boxwood)

DMA1069239: Girl, 1932 (boxwood), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Studies for Sculpture on Blue Grey Background, 1957 (colour litho)
Studies for Sculpture on Blue Grey Background, 1957 (colour litho)

MNS882231: Studies for Sculpture on Blue Grey Background, 1957 (colour litho), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Girl, 1922 (wood)
Head of a Girl, 1922 (wood)

MAN3102654: Head of a Girl, 1922 (wood), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1932 (painted plaster with hand-chiselled surface, on a wood base)
Mother and Child, 1932 (painted plaster with hand-chiselled surface, on a wood base)

CH656161: Mother and Child, 1932 (painted plaster with hand-chiselled surface, on a wood base), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Ideas for Sculpture: Reclining Figures, 1949 (watercolour, coloured wax crayons, pen and india ink on paper)
Ideas for Sculpture: Reclining Figures, 1949 (watercolour, coloured wax crayons, pen and india ink on paper)

CH825223: Ideas for Sculpture: Reclining Figures, 1949 (watercolour, coloured wax crayons, pen and india ink on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Working Model for Reclining Figure, 1945 (polished bronze)
Working Model for Reclining Figure, 1945 (polished bronze)

CH825310: Working Model for Reclining Figure, 1945 (polished bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Two Draped Figures, 1942 (watercolour, wax crayons, charcoal, pen and black ink on paper)
Two Draped Figures, 1942 (watercolour, wax crayons, charcoal, pen and black ink on paper)

CH825331: Two Draped Figures, 1942 (watercolour, wax crayons, charcoal, pen and black ink on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Ideas For Sculpture: Draped Standing Figures, 1942 (watercolour, wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper)
Ideas For Sculpture: Draped Standing Figures, 1942 (watercolour, wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper)

CH825332: Ideas For Sculpture: Draped Standing Figures, 1942 (watercolour, wax crayons, pen and black ink on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

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