ZUM4919019: Tue 03, 1954 - He Calls It” Draped Torso”... Latest work of sculptor Henry Moore: Famous for his ultra -modern Art - is sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange pieces is this bronze creation which be has called” Draped Torso” - which has been sent from London to Manchester on approval.. It is being examined by Alderman George Grindley.. Many contrasting remarks were heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - were heard at the showing - some said” Caharming” - some said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks like a frozen vest a wintry clothes - line ', Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4917315: Tue 03, 1954 - Famous for his ultra-modern Art - is Sculptor Henry Moore - and the latest of his strange ~ ~ ~ ieces is this bronze creation which he has called ~ ~ ~ raped Torso” - which has been sent from London to ~ ~ ~ anchester on approval. It is being exam ~ ed by ~ ~ ~ derman Georce Grindley. Many cintrasting remarks ~ ~ ~ are heard at the showing - some said” Charming” - ~ ~ ome said” Hideous” - and another said” It looks ~ ~ ~ ke a frozen vest on a vintry cloths-line ', Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images