Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) Assets (487 in total)

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Reclining Figure, 1939 (elm)
Reclining Figure, 1939 (elm)

DTR360589: Reclining Figure, 1939 (elm), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Henry Moore, 1975 (b/w photo)
Henry Moore, 1975 (b/w photo)

LEW393947: Henry Moore, 1975 (b/w photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1929 (stone)
Reclining Figure, 1929 (stone)

LMG112952: Reclining Figure, 1929 (stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1936 (elm)
Reclining Figure, 1936 (elm)

WAK96199: Reclining Figure, 1936 (elm), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, edition of 6 by Henry Moore (1898-1986), 1969-70 (bronze)
Reclining Figure, edition of 6 by Henry Moore (1898-1986), 1969-70 (bronze)

LEE58164: Reclining Figure, edition of 6 by Henry Moore (1898-1986), 1969-70 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child, 1943 (Hornton stone)
Madonna and Child, 1943 (Hornton stone)

BAL5992: Madonna and Child, 1943 (Hornton stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Sheep Piece, 1971-72 (bronze)
Sheep Piece, 1971-72 (bronze)

PWI430990: Sheep Piece, 1971-72 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

At the Coalface, 1942 (pencil, chalk, pen and ink, watercolour and bodycolour on paper)
At the Coalface, 1942 (pencil, chalk, pen and ink, watercolour and bodycolour on paper)

WHT161694: At the Coalface, 1942 (pencil, chalk, pen and ink, watercolour and bodycolour on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Shelter Drawing, 1941 (chalk, pen and w/c on paper)
Shelter Drawing, 1941 (chalk, pen and w/c on paper)

NUM115307: Shelter Drawing, 1941 (chalk, pen and w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Figures in a Shelter, 1941 (w/c on paper)
Figures in a Shelter, 1941 (w/c on paper)

LEF218878: Figures in a Shelter, 1941 (w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

King and Queen, 1952-3, edition of 6, bronze sculpture, originally commissioned for the open-air sculpture park at Middelheim, Antwerp (bronze)
King and Queen, 1952-3, edition of 6, bronze sculpture, originally commissioned for the open-air sculpture park at Middelheim, Antwerp (bronze)

BAL58157: King and Queen, 1952-3, edition of 6, bronze sculpture, originally commissioned for the open-air sculpture park at Middelheim, Antwerp (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1931 (sycamore wood)
Mother and Child, 1931 (sycamore wood)

FFA316522: Mother and Child, 1931 (sycamore wood), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Family Group, 1944 (front) (bronze) (see 84676 for reverse)
Family Group, 1944 (front) (bronze) (see 84676 for reverse)

PFA84675: Family Group, 1944 (front) (bronze) (see 84676 for reverse), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Sitting Female Figure, 1980 (drawing on paper)
Sitting Female Figure, 1980 (drawing on paper)

HAL64489: Sitting Female Figure, 1980 (drawing on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Two Three-Quarter Figures on Base, 1984 (bronze)
Two Three-Quarter Figures on Base, 1984 (bronze)

JKL66678: Two Three-Quarter Figures on Base, 1984 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Page from sketchbook 1947/48: Ideas for Upright Internal/External Forms, 1948 (pen, ink, w/c & crayon on paper)
Page from sketchbook 1947/48: Ideas for Upright Internal/External Forms, 1948 (pen, ink, w/c & crayon on paper)

PFA123830: Page from sketchbook 1947/48: Ideas for Upright Internal/External Forms, 1948 (pen, ink, w/c & crayon on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1943 (bronze)
Mother and Child, 1943 (bronze)

PNH347156: Mother and Child, 1943 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure No. 4, 1954; 1955 (bronze with brown patina)
Reclining Figure No. 4, 1954; 1955 (bronze with brown patina)

CH991291: Reclining Figure No. 4, 1954; 1955 (bronze with brown patina), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Henry Moore's 'King and Queen' overlooking the Glenkiln Reservoir, Glenkiln Park, near Dumfries, Scotland (photo)
Henry Moore's 'King and Queen' overlooking the Glenkiln Reservoir, Glenkiln Park, near Dumfries, Scotland (photo)

BRS1122547: Henry Moore's 'King and Queen' overlooking the Glenkiln Reservoir, Glenkiln Park, near Dumfries, Scotland (photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure, 1963 (bronze)
Reclining Figure, 1963 (bronze)

FFA316528: Reclining Figure, 1963 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Draped Seated Woman: Figure on Steps, 1956 (bronze with green patina)
Draped Seated Woman: Figure on Steps, 1956 (bronze with green patina)

CH828081: Draped Seated Woman: Figure on Steps, 1956 (bronze with green patina), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure (Prop), 1975 (bronze) (b/w photo)
Reclining Figure (Prop), 1975 (bronze) (b/w photo)

FFA203913: Reclining Figure (Prop), 1975 (bronze) (b/w photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Maquette for Mother and Child, 1938 (plaster)
Maquette for Mother and Child, 1938 (plaster)

LMG808510: Maquette for Mother and Child, 1938 (plaster), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

The Time and Life Building, Bruton Street, London in June 1952, shortly after its completion (b/w photo)
The Time and Life Building, Bruton Street, London in June 1952, shortly after its completion (b/w photo)

BRS955513: The Time and Life Building, Bruton Street, London in June 1952, shortly after its completion (b/w photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Two Piece Reclining Figure', by Henry Moore, Glenkiln Sculptures Walk, near Shawcross, Scotland (photo)
Two Piece Reclining Figure', by Henry Moore, Glenkiln Sculptures Walk, near Shawcross, Scotland (photo)

BRS955519: Two Piece Reclining Figure', by Henry Moore, Glenkiln Sculptures Walk, near Shawcross, Scotland (photo), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Family Group, 1945 (bronze) (see also 272463)
Family Group, 1945 (bronze) (see also 272463)

FFA272455: Family Group, 1945 (bronze) (see also 272463), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1930 (ironstone)
Mother and Child, 1930 (ironstone)

FFA272465: Mother and Child, 1930 (ironstone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Figure: Festival, 1951 (patinated bronze)
Reclining Figure: Festival, 1951 (patinated bronze)

CH469742: Reclining Figure: Festival, 1951 (patinated bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child, 1934-44 (hornton stone)
Madonna and Child, 1934-44 (hornton stone)

FFA316517: Madonna and Child, 1934-44 (hornton stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Family Grown, 1948-49 (bronze)
Family Grown, 1948-49 (bronze)

FFA315892: Family Grown, 1948-49 (bronze), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Helmets, 1948 (pencil on paper)
Helmets, 1948 (pencil on paper)

NUM118140: Helmets, 1948 (pencil on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1936/7 (stone) (see also 109230
Mother and Child, 1936/7 (stone) (see also 109230

LMG109229: Mother and Child, 1936/7 (stone) (see also 109230, Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Shelter Scene: Bunks and Sleepers, 1941 (w/c on paper)
Shelter Scene: Bunks and Sleepers, 1941 (w/c on paper)

CEC128140: Shelter Scene: Bunks and Sleepers, 1941 (w/c on paper), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Rocking Chair No. 2 (bronze) (see also 341846)
Rocking Chair No. 2 (bronze) (see also 341846)

CH44604: Rocking Chair No. 2 (bronze) (see also 341846), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Head of Prometheus (mixed media)
Head of Prometheus (mixed media)

JKL289823: Head of Prometheus (mixed media), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1925 (hornton stone)
Mother and Child, 1925 (hornton stone)

MAN254495: Mother and Child, 1925 (hornton stone), Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) / Bridgeman Images

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