Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) Assets (2921 in total)
Even in our sickness Christ loves us and calls us to trust him and offer up our sufferings in union with Him, 2000 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Every time we pray the "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord" we join our voices with the saints and Angels who offer the same praise in Heaven, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God is Truth, and when we speak truth to Him in prayer, it pleases Him, and we draw closer to Him, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
No-one was closer to Jesus than His Holy Mother Mary, the Blessed Virgin, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ our God was truly at work in the Creation of the Universe, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
In earthly life, it's as though we run a race in full view of Christ and the Saints, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Souls are powerfully helped by the prayers we offer with and through Christ at Mass. It's as if needy souls are 'carried' by the prayer of the Church, away from danger and distress, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God who made us holds us in His 'heart', as He holds all creation in existence, through His infinite love, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ was curled up, as it were, in a corner of this person's soul, unable to help them because of the clutter of their preoccupations., 2000 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Each time that we ask Christ to reward a kind neighbour, he gives wonderful gifts to that person, through our prayer., 2000 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
By little acts of faith, love and sacrifice, a space is prepared within the soul for a renewed out-pouring of grace., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ welcomes the contrite and willing soul into the heart of the Holy Trinity. "Those who hide in Him shall not be condemned" (Ps 33), 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
An offering of infinite value ascends from the altar at every Mass as Jesus pleads to the Father on our behalf, 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ's offering of Himself at the altar causes an entry to be made to Heaven itself., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ comes out from the heart of the Father, out to reach us who are so far from God. He draws us into the Divine Embrace., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The light of Christ pours through the ministry of the Pope and bishops in union with him, and without it we cannot fully understand the Scriptures or the Christian message, 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
A man who has committed himself to Christ in an exclusive and total act of dedication gives Christ a claim on His entire life., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
By the Father's will, foreknowledge, plan, consent and justice, Christ suffered and died, and leaped up to His Father, drawing us in His wake., 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Those who refuse to repent of serious sin, and die, cannot enter heaven; but the Holy Souls, who are open to Christ's mercy, enter heaven once they have been purified., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Once, Christ swiftly embraced a departed soul after its purification, lifting it - like a newborn baby just delivered - high towards Heaven., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
By Baptism, the soul becomes a furnace of Divine Love, as the Indwelling Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - shines out Glory from that soul upon others, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
How many Angels! A great number were clustered within the Church to celebrate Our Lady's Feast, no matter how few the faithful., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
In Christ's Person is found every facet of love and loveliness. He and His mother are our 'patterns' - models of goodness for all., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
We are invited to bear the pure fire of love, which is God, in the embrace of someone like ourselves: the Son of God, our Saviour., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
I saw Jesus reaching out to others, teaching me to imitate His greeting of others, His helping, teaching and consoling, in "truth and love"., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Our personal prayers and devotions, such as the Rosary, unite us to Heaven, and delight our Guardian Angel, 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
One who is grateful for the sun is grateful for its heat and light, so the one who loves God ought also to love God's will., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The Blood of Christ washes away our sins and allows us to approach Heaven's Glory, 2000 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ welcomes the contrite and willing soul into the heart of the Holy Trinity. "Those who hide in Him shall not be condemned" (Ps 33), 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
When we attend and offer the one, awe-inspiring Sacrifice, we find Calvary, here at the altar., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
A soul may greet Christ, in Holy Communion, by saying: "Cast your light within, and enter (with your outpouring of grace)"., 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
It was because so few Catholics knew much about the Faith, or about the stages of the spiritual life, that God taught me so much about our Christ, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The whole of the Catholic faith is contained in the Missal and celebrated in the Liturgy, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images