WNG6378923: Christmas is 'about' the entry into our world of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, in all His power, Divinity and holiness - though He hid His glory for most of His life on earth, and in fact began His life on earth as an infant, 2005 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
WNG6378928: To receive Christ in Holy Communion but then to ignore His Presence is to be like a man who welcomes a visitor to his house, but then leaves the visitor in the hallway whilst he, the house-holder, goes off to amuse himself in the living-room, 2005 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
WNG6378971: Christ our Saviour is present in the Sacred Scriptures, present in the priest who is 'another Christ' for us, present in the assembly which is Christ's body - yet He is Present supremely, substantially, in the Eucharistic species, 2005 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
WNG6378817: How could God warn us that people risk eternal punishment in Hell, for unrepented serious sin, if He had not given us, in His Church, sure teachings about what is sinful and what is not, with the means of avoiding sin and growing in holiness?, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
WNG6378723: As the Son of God looked down from Heaven towards the filth and darkness which He would enter, far below, when He came into our sinful world, He saw the Blessed Virgin Mary, who had been prepared, at her consent, as a safe place for Him who is all purity and goodness, 2005 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images