SCP69441: Triumph of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino; Federigo and the four Cardinal Virtues in a triumphal car drawn by white unicorns, winged Victory holding the ducal coronet, painted after 1474 (panel) (reverse of 799) (detail from 95420), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
XEE5033075: The Resurrection, 1463 (fresco) by Piero Della Francesca (1416-1492) - The Resurrection of Christ”” Jesus Christ holds a white banner marked with a cross - Fresco by Piero Della Francesca (1416-1492) Dim 225 x 200 cm 1463-1465 Pinacoteca Comunale, Sansepolcro, Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images