Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Madonna of Mercy, central panel from the Misericordia Altarpiece, 1445 (tempera on panel) (detail of 95884), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 75561, 172472 and 169194), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Queen of Sheba Worshipping the Wood of the True Cross and The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Dream of Constantine, from The Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 798, 799, 69441, 69442) (reverse of 95421), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Polyptych of the Misericordia: detail depicting the Virgin Mary, 1445-1460 (painting on wood), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of The Queen of Sheba Adoring the Bridge Made of the Wood of the True Cross, Jerusalem, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 55432), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Battista Sforza, wife of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (detail from 95420), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Sigismondo Malatesta (d.1468) kneeling before his patron, St. Sigismund of Burgundy, 1451 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (detail) (see also 75561, 172471 and 172472), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Victory of Heraclius and the Execution of Chosroes, 628 AD, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna and Child and Saints, Angels and Federico da Montefeltro (Altarpiece of San Bernardino), 1472-74 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Triumphs of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 69441-2) (reverse of 95420), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 109786), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ, John the Baptist and angels, 1450 (egg tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images
The Discovery of the Wood of the True Cross, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 58294), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images