Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) Assets (197 in total)

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View of an Ideal City, or The City of God, c. 1480-1490 (oil on panel)
View of an Ideal City, or The City of God, c. 1480-1490 (oil on panel)

XAL154651: View of an Ideal City, or The City of God, c. 1480-1490 (oil on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Baptism of Christ, 1450 (egg tempera on panel)
Baptism of Christ, 1450 (egg tempera on panel)

XCF372: Baptism of Christ, 1450 (egg tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Resurrection, c.1463 (fresco)
The Resurrection, c.1463 (fresco)

BBC109787: The Resurrection, c.1463 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Federigo da Montefeltro Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (tempera on panel)
Federigo da Montefeltro Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (tempera on panel)

XIR243054: Federigo da Montefeltro Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel)
Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel)

XAL166355: Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Flagellation of Christ, c.1463-4 (tempera on panel)
The Flagellation of Christ, c.1463-4 (tempera on panel)

XAL887012: The Flagellation of Christ, c.1463-4 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Madonna of Mercy, central panel from the Misericordia Altarpiece, 1445 (tempera on panel) (detail of 95884)
The Madonna of Mercy, central panel from the Misericordia Altarpiece, 1445 (tempera on panel) (detail of 95884)

BEN95885: The Madonna of Mercy, central panel from the Misericordia Altarpiece, 1445 (tempera on panel) (detail of 95884), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 75561, 172472 and 169194)
The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 75561, 172472 and 169194)

XAL172471: The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (post restoration) (see also 75561, 172472 and 169194), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Nativity, early 1480s (oil on poplar)
Nativity, early 1480s (oil on poplar)

BAL5240: Nativity, early 1480s (oil on poplar), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Queen of Sheba Worshipping the Wood of the True Cross and The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)
The Queen of Sheba Worshipping the Wood of the True Cross and The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)

BEN109786: The Queen of Sheba Worshipping the Wood of the True Cross and The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Sigismondo Malatesta (oil on panel)
Sigismondo Malatesta (oil on panel)

XIR379743: Sigismondo Malatesta (oil on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Dream of Constantine, from The Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)
The Dream of Constantine, from The Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)

REV56519: The Dream of Constantine, from The Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

St. Augustine (oil on panel)
St. Augustine (oil on panel)

XIR60878: St. Augustine (oil on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Verification of the True Cross, completed 1464 (fresco)
The Verification of the True Cross, completed 1464 (fresco)

BEN55432: The Verification of the True Cross, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 798, 799, 69441, 69442) (reverse of 95421)
Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 798, 799, 69441, 69442) (reverse of 95421)

BAT95420: Portraits of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 798, 799, 69441, 69442) (reverse of 95421), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Resurrection, c.1463 (fresco) (see also 109787, 205585, 205586)
The Resurrection, c.1463 (fresco) (see also 109787, 205585, 205586)

BBC205587: The Resurrection, c.1463 (fresco) (see also 109787, 205585, 205586), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna of Senigallia with Child and Two Angels, c.1470 (tempera on panel)
Madonna of Senigallia with Child and Two Angels, c.1470 (tempera on panel)

BEN78780: Madonna of Senigallia with Child and Two Angels, c.1470 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Polyptych of the Misericordia: detail depicting the Virgin Mary, 1445-1460 (painting on wood)
Polyptych of the Misericordia: detail depicting the Virgin Mary, 1445-1460 (painting on wood)

LRI4684772: Polyptych of the Misericordia: detail depicting the Virgin Mary, 1445-1460 (painting on wood), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of The Queen of Sheba Adoring the Bridge Made of the Wood of the True Cross, Jerusalem, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 55432)
Detail of The Queen of Sheba Adoring the Bridge Made of the Wood of the True Cross, Jerusalem, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 55432)

BEN116359: Detail of The Queen of Sheba Adoring the Bridge Made of the Wood of the True Cross, Jerusalem, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 55432), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Battista Sforza, wife of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (detail from 95420)
Battista Sforza, wife of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (detail from 95420)

XIR428029: Battista Sforza, wife of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, c.1465 (detail from 95420), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

History of the True Cross. Constantine's dream. (fresco, between 1459-1466)
History of the True Cross. Constantine's dream. (fresco, between 1459-1466)

LRI4573795: History of the True Cross. Constantine's dream. (fresco, between 1459-1466), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Sigismondo Malatesta (d.1468) kneeling before his patron, St. Sigismund of Burgundy, 1451 (fresco)
Sigismondo Malatesta (d.1468) kneeling before his patron, St. Sigismund of Burgundy, 1451 (fresco)

BEN85080: Sigismondo Malatesta (d.1468) kneeling before his patron, St. Sigismund of Burgundy, 1451 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (detail) (see also 75561, 172471 and 172472)
The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (detail) (see also 75561, 172471 and 172472)

XAL169194: The Madonna del Parto, c.1450-70 (fresco) (detail) (see also 75561, 172471 and 172472), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Victory of Heraclius and the Execution of Chosroes, 628 AD, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)
The Victory of Heraclius and the Execution of Chosroes, 628 AD, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)

BEN56520: The Victory of Heraclius and the Execution of Chosroes, 628 AD, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Baptism of Christ, 1450 (egg tempera on panel) (detail of 26050)
Baptism of Christ, 1450 (egg tempera on panel) (detail of 26050)

QED291679: Baptism of Christ, 1450 (egg tempera on panel) (detail of 26050), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Annunciation, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464  (fresco)
Annunciation, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464  (fresco)

FAF58292: Annunciation, from the True Cross Cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Hercules, c.1475 (fresco)
Hercules, c.1475 (fresco)

ISG113848: Hercules, c.1475 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child and Saints, Angels and Federico da Montefeltro (Altarpiece of San Bernardino), 1472-74 (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child and Saints, Angels and Federico da Montefeltro (Altarpiece of San Bernardino), 1472-74 (tempera on panel)

PDB5948220: Madonna and Child and Saints, Angels and Federico da Montefeltro (Altarpiece of San Bernardino), 1472-74 (tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Resurrection of Christ,1463-65 (fresco)
The Resurrection of Christ,1463-65 (fresco)

GIM5038409: The Resurrection of Christ,1463-65 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Triumphs of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 69441-2) (reverse of 95420)
The Triumphs of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 69441-2) (reverse of 95420)

BAT95421: The Triumphs of Duke Federico da Montefeltro (1422-82) and Battista Sforza, c.1465 (tempera on panel) (for details see 69441-2) (reverse of 95420), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Nativity, detail, early 1480s (oil on poplar)
Nativity, detail, early 1480s (oil on poplar)

BAL243043: Nativity, detail, early 1480s (oil on poplar), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Sigismond Malatesta, Lord of Rimini (1417-1468), 1451 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Sigismond Malatesta, Lord of Rimini (1417-1468), 1451 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4666589: Portrait of Sigismond Malatesta, Lord of Rimini (1417-1468), 1451 (oil on canvas), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 109786)
The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 109786)

BEN701676: The Reception of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon (c.1015-977) from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 109786), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ, John the Baptist and angels, 1450 (egg tempera on panel)
Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ, John the Baptist and angels, 1450 (egg tempera on panel)

QED26050: Baptism of Christ, detail of Christ, John the Baptist and angels, 1450 (egg tempera on panel), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Discovery of the Wood of the True Cross, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 58294)
The Discovery of the Wood of the True Cross, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 58294)

FAF79339: The Discovery of the Wood of the True Cross, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco) (detail of 58294), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of Adam, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)
The Death of Adam, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco)

FAF79358: The Death of Adam, from the Legend of the True Cross cycle, completed 1464 (fresco), Francesca, Piero della (c.1415-92) / Bridgeman Images

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