Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) Assets (161 in total)

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Winter's Day. Portrait of Madame De Nittis (Giornata d'inverno. Ritratto della signora De Nittis), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, pastel, 150 x 89 cm
Winter's Day. Portrait of Madame De Nittis (Giornata d'inverno. Ritratto della signora De Nittis), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, pastel, 150 x 89 cm

MEP849612: Winter's Day. Portrait of Madame De Nittis (Giornata d'inverno. Ritratto della signora De Nittis), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, pastel, 150 x 89 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Bonne, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 92 x 60 cm
Bonne, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 92 x 60 cm

MEP849641: Bonne, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 92 x 60 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Place de Pyramides,  (oil on panel)
Place de Pyramides,  (oil on panel)

CH827030: Place de Pyramides, (oil on panel), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

A Woman Crocheting,  (oil on panel)
A Woman Crocheting,  (oil on panel)

CH827140: A Woman Crocheting, (oil on panel), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races, 1881 (oil on canvas)
The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races, 1881 (oil on canvas)

LRI4604926: The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races, 1881 (oil on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Reading of the Office Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 19th century Florence, Galleria d'Arte Moderna
The Reading of the Office Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 19th century Florence, Galleria d'Arte Moderna

LRI4620902: The Reading of the Office Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 19th century Florence, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Woman on the beach, circa 1875 (oil on canvas)
Woman on the beach, circa 1875 (oil on canvas)

SBL7146673: Woman on the beach, circa 1875 (oil on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Woman, 1880 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Woman, 1880 (oil on canvas)

XAL329480: Portrait of a Woman, 1880 (oil on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Bridge (Ponte), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 54 x 74 cm
Bridge (Ponte), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 54 x 74 cm

MEP849559: Bridge (Ponte), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 54 x 74 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Beach at Ofanto - Barletta (La spiaggia presso Ofanto - Barletta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1866-1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 38 x 117 cm
The Beach at Ofanto - Barletta (La spiaggia presso Ofanto - Barletta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1866-1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 38 x 117 cm

MEB849581: The Beach at Ofanto - Barletta (La spiaggia presso Ofanto - Barletta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1866-1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 38 x 117 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Along the Seine (Lungo la Senna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 39 x 50 cm
Along the Seine (Lungo la Senna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 39 x 50 cm

MEB849582: Along the Seine (Lungo la Senna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 39 x 50 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

'Charrette' with Horse ('Charrette' con cavallo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm
'Charrette' with Horse ('Charrette' con cavallo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm

MEP849596: 'Charrette' with Horse ('Charrette' con cavallo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

In the Gardens (Nei giardini), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 37 x 43 cm
In the Gardens (Nei giardini), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 37 x 43 cm

MEP849603: In the Gardens (Nei giardini), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 37 x 43 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Lady with Black Kitten (Signora con gattino nero), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 90 x 71 cm
Lady with Black Kitten (Signora con gattino nero), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 90 x 71 cm

MEP849611: Lady with Black Kitten (Signora con gattino nero), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 90 x 71 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of His Son Jacques (Ritratto del figlio Jacques), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879-1880, 19th Century, oil on board, 30 x 18 cm
Portrait of His Son Jacques (Ritratto del figlio Jacques), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879-1880, 19th Century, oil on board, 30 x 18 cm

MEP849613: Portrait of His Son Jacques (Ritratto del figlio Jacques), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879-1880, 19th Century, oil on board, 30 x 18 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Woman with a Veil (Testa di donna con veletta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 32 cm
Head of a Woman with a Veil (Testa di donna con veletta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 32 cm

MEP849624: Head of a Woman with a Veil (Testa di donna con veletta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 32 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Lady, 1878 (pastel on canvas)
Portrait of a Lady, 1878 (pastel on canvas)

ELC858183: Portrait of a Lady, 1878 (pastel on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Rest (Riposo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 60 x 90 cm
Rest (Riposo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 60 x 90 cm

MEP849645: Rest (Riposo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 60 x 90 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

In the livingroom (In sala), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
In the livingroom (In sala), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848356: In the livingroom (In sala), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Landscape (Paesaggio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Landscape (Paesaggio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848387: Landscape (Paesaggio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Horses (Cavalli), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Horses (Cavalli), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

ELC848407: Horses (Cavalli), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Sketch of the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Bozzetto di monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th century, oil on canvas, 90 x 66 cm
Sketch of the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Bozzetto di monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th century, oil on canvas, 90 x 66 cm

MEP848408: Sketch of the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II (Bozzetto di monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th century, oil on canvas, 90 x 66 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Hay Field (Campo di biche), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 66 x 84 cm
Hay Field (Campo di biche), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 66 x 84 cm

MEP848461: Hay Field (Campo di biche), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 66 x 84 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Angle of alcove (Angolo d'alcova), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, watercolor paper, 22 x 16 cm
Angle of alcove (Angolo d'alcova), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, watercolor paper, 22 x 16 cm

MEP848332: Angle of alcove (Angolo d'alcova), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, watercolor paper, 22 x 16 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Place du Carrousel ruins of the Tuileries in 1882. Table representing a view of Paris, 1882 (oil on canvas)
The Place du Carrousel ruins of the Tuileries in 1882. Table representing a view of Paris, 1882 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4600563: The Place du Carrousel ruins of the Tuileries in 1882. Table representing a view of Paris, 1882 (oil on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dite Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) - by De Nittis
Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dite Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) - by De Nittis

GIA4811779: Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dite Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) - by De Nittis, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The English Girl (oil on canvas, 1879-1880)
The English Girl (oil on canvas, 1879-1880)

LRI4604951: The English Girl (oil on canvas, 1879-1880), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Coffee on the Veranda. Milan (Caffè in veranda. Milano), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, pastel, 116 x 88 cm
Coffee on the Veranda. Milan (Caffè in veranda. Milano), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, pastel, 116 x 88 cm

MEP849549: Coffee on the Veranda. Milan (Caffè in veranda. Milano), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, pastel, 116 x 88 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Breakfast at Posillipo (Colazione a Posillipo) by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 111 x 173,3 cm
Breakfast at Posillipo (Colazione a Posillipo) by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 111 x 173,3 cm

MEP849551: Breakfast at Posillipo (Colazione a Posillipo) by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 111 x 173,3 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Small Portrait of the Son Jacques (Ritrattino del figlio Jacques), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 9 x 9 cm
Small Portrait of the Son Jacques (Ritrattino del figlio Jacques), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 9 x 9 cm

MEP849554: Small Portrait of the Son Jacques (Ritrattino del figlio Jacques), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 9 x 9 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 75 x 63 cm
Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 75 x 63 cm

MEP849556: Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 75 x 63 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life (Natura morta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 63 x 75 cm
Still Life (Natura morta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 63 x 75 cm

MEP849560: Still Life (Natura morta), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 63 x 75 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Studio for Racing (Studio per le corse) by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 13 x 22 cm
Studio for Racing (Studio per le corse) by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 13 x 22 cm

MEP849564: Studio for Racing (Studio per le corse) by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 13 x 22 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Studies Fixed on Canvas (Studi vari fissati su tela), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1864-1865, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 45 x 56 cm
Studies Fixed on Canvas (Studi vari fissati su tela), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1864-1865, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 45 x 56 cm

MEP849565: Studies Fixed on Canvas (Studi vari fissati su tela), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1864-1865, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 45 x 56 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Study of Cat (Studio di gatto), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 33 x 25 cm
Study of Cat (Studio di gatto), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 33 x 25 cm

MEP849572: Study of Cat (Studio di gatto), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 33 x 25 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Carriage Ride (Passeggiata in carrozza), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877, 19th Century, oil on board, 31 x 41 cm
Carriage Ride (Passeggiata in carrozza), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877, 19th Century, oil on board, 31 x 41 cm

MEP849575: Carriage Ride (Passeggiata in carrozza), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877, 19th Century, oil on board, 31 x 41 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

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