Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) Assets (161 in total)

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Woman's Head, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Woman's Head, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848357: Woman's Head, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Study for Races (Studio per le corse),  by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Study for Races (Studio per le corse),  by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848358: Study for Races (Studio per le corse), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Mrs De Nittis and Son (La signora De Nittis con il figlio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 131 x 77,5 cm
Mrs De Nittis and Son (La signora De Nittis con il figlio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 131 x 77,5 cm

MEP848438: Mrs De Nittis and Son (La signora De Nittis con il figlio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 131 x 77,5 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Bois de Boulogne Road (Avenue de Bois de Boulogne), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Bois de Boulogne Road (Avenue de Bois de Boulogne), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848444: Bois de Boulogne Road (Avenue de Bois de Boulogne), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Mrs De Nittis, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Mrs De Nittis, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848459: Mrs De Nittis, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Spring (Primavera), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Spring (Primavera), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

ELC848471: Spring (Primavera), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Lady De Nittis (Ritratto della Signora De Nittis), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, pastel, 146 x 98 cm
Portrait of a Lady De Nittis (Ritratto della Signora De Nittis), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, pastel, 146 x 98 cm

MEP849643: Portrait of a Lady De Nittis (Ritratto della Signora De Nittis), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, pastel, 146 x 98 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Sunset in the hills (Tramonto in collina), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, canvas, 15 x 21 cm
Sunset in the hills (Tramonto in collina), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, canvas, 15 x 21 cm

MEP848337: Sunset in the hills (Tramonto in collina), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, canvas, 15 x 21 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Study for Stormy Sea (Studio per mare in burrasca), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, oil on canvas
Study for Stormy Sea (Studio per mare in burrasca), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, oil on canvas

MEP849555: Study for Stormy Sea (Studio per mare in burrasca), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, oil on canvas, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Mist (Foschia), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 63 cm
Mist (Foschia), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 63 cm

MEP849557: Mist (Foschia), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 63 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Winter Walk (Passeggiata invernale), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 80 x 117 cm
Winter Walk (Passeggiata invernale), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 80 x 117 cm

MEP849562: Winter Walk (Passeggiata invernale), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 80 x 117 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 52 cm
Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 52 cm

MEP849563: Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 52 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

On the High Seas (In alto mare), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877-1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 58 x 111 cm
On the High Seas (In alto mare), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877-1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 58 x 111 cm

MEP849577: On the High Seas (In alto mare), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1877-1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 58 x 111 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Boat - large draft (Il canotto - bozzettone), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 70 x 91 cm
The Boat - large draft (Il canotto - bozzettone), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 70 x 91 cm

MEP849604: The Boat - large draft (Il canotto - bozzettone), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 70 x 91 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Sad Hour (Ora triste), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 100 x 61 cm
Sad Hour (Ora triste), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 100 x 61 cm

MEP849607: Sad Hour (Ora triste), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882-1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 100 x 61 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

On the Hammock II (Sull'amaca II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 79 x 116 cm
On the Hammock II (Sull'amaca II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 79 x 116 cm

MEP849614: On the Hammock II (Sull'amaca II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1884, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 79 x 116 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Study of Woman (Studio di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 28,5 x 23 cm
Study of Woman (Studio di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 28,5 x 23 cm

MEP849618: Study of Woman (Studio di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 28,5 x 23 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Bow Window, 1883
Bow Window, 1883

FTB64538: Bow Window, 1883, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

At the Racetrack, 1874 (oil on canvas)
At the Racetrack, 1874 (oil on canvas)

CH989970: At the Racetrack, 1874 (oil on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Races at Auteuil (part of a triptych)
The Races at Auteuil (part of a triptych)

NUM39119: The Races at Auteuil (part of a triptych), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races. Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 1881 Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna
The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races. Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 1881 Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna

LRI4604947: The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races. Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 1881 Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

A Sunday in London (Painting, 1878)
A Sunday in London (Painting, 1878)

LRI4580927: A Sunday in London (Painting, 1878), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Rain of ashes
Rain of ashes

FAF3567461: Rain of ashes, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait painting of on a woman seated on a bench
Portrait painting of on a woman seated on a bench

FAF3564974: Portrait painting of on a woman seated on a bench, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Walking in the Garden (Passeggiata in giardino), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 20 x 12 cm
Walking in the Garden (Passeggiata in giardino), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 20 x 12 cm

MEP848379: Walking in the Garden (Passeggiata in giardino), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 20 x 12 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Study for La Danse de Monde, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century
Study for La Danse de Monde, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century

MEP848399: Study for La Danse de Monde, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

In a Cab (In fiacre), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, crayon on canvas, 56,5 x 73 cm
In a Cab (In fiacre), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, crayon on canvas, 56,5 x 73 cm

MEP848400: In a Cab (In fiacre), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, crayon on canvas, 56,5 x 73 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Mountains and Lakes (Monti e laghi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1881, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 21 x 41 cm
Mountains and Lakes (Monti e laghi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1881, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 21 x 41 cm

ELC848451: Mountains and Lakes (Monti e laghi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1881, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 21 x 41 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Sunset on the Seine (Tramonto sulla Senna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm
Sunset on the Seine (Tramonto sulla Senna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm

ELC848477: Sunset on the Seine (Tramonto sulla Senna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1882, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Morning on the River Thames (Mattinata sul Tamigi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 57 x 112 cm
Morning on the River Thames (Mattinata sul Tamigi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 57 x 112 cm

MEP849553: Morning on the River Thames (Mattinata sul Tamigi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 57 x 112 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Field for Racing I (Campo per le corse I), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880-1881, 19th Century, pastel, 45 x 63 cm
Field for Racing I (Campo per le corse I), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880-1881, 19th Century, pastel, 45 x 63 cm

MEP849561: Field for Racing I (Campo per le corse I), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880-1881, 19th Century, pastel, 45 x 63 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Clouds on Westminster (Nubi su Westminster), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on board, 25 x 34 cm
Clouds on Westminster (Nubi su Westminster), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on board, 25 x 34 cm

MEP849574: Clouds on Westminster (Nubi su Westminster), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1878, 19th Century, oil on board, 25 x 34 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Crossing of the Apennines (La traversata degli appennini), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 76 cm
The Crossing of the Apennines (La traversata degli appennini), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 76 cm

MEB849586: The Crossing of the Apennines (La traversata degli appennini), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 76 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

The Groom (Lo staffiere), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1874, 19th Century, oil on board, 13 x 15 cm
The Groom (Lo staffiere), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1874, 19th Century, oil on board, 13 x 15 cm

MEP849588: The Groom (Lo staffiere), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1874, 19th Century, oil on board, 13 x 15 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Little English (Piccola inglese), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879-1880, 19th Century, oil on board, 26,5 x 26,5 cm
Little English (Piccola inglese), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879-1880, 19th Century, oil on board, 26,5 x 26,5 cm

MEB849593: Little English (Piccola inglese), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879-1880, 19th Century, oil on board, 26,5 x 26,5 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

Between the Screens (Tra i paraventi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 53 cm
Between the Screens (Tra i paraventi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 53 cm

MEP849605: Between the Screens (Tra i paraventi), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 53 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images

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