Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) Assets (161 in total)
Breakfast in the garden A mother and her son sitting at a table set for breakfast watch geese and ducks in the garden. Painting by Giuseppe de Nittis (1846-1894) 1884 Dim. 81x117 cm Barletta, Museo De Nittis, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
The banks of the Seine Two women sitting on a bridge in Paris look towards the river, on the right the book makers of the docks. Watercolour by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 1875 Galleria d'Arte Moderna Milan, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Landscape (Paesaggio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1875, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 27 x 32 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Self-portrait, (Autoritratto), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1884, 19th Century, pastello su tela, 114 x 88 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
In the World (Dans le monde), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on board, 33 x 25 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Rain of ashes or “” the eruption of the Vesuve”” Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 1872 Florence, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Sunny Landscape ( Paesaggio sotto il sole), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1872, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 18 x 21 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Veils and Silks (Veli e sete), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 55 x 28 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Old Woman (Ritratto di vecchia), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 19th Century, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Foggy sunset (Tramonto nebbioso), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1876, 19th Century, crayon, 90 x 63 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
The Woman with Pompons (La femme aux pompons), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, pastel on paper, 116,5 x 90 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Head of a Man (Testa di uomo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1871, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 22 x 15 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Bust of a Woman (Busto di donna), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 58 x 43 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Woman on the Sofa (Donna sul divano), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1883-1884, 19th Century, oil on board, 60 x 40 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
The Bare Tree (L'alberello spoglio), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1866-1867, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 11 x 17 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Next to the Fireplace (Accanto al focolare), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1864-1865, 19th Century, oil on board, 31,5 x 19 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Studio for Racing I (Studio per le corse I), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880-1881, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 113,5 x 87,5 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
At the Races at Auteuil: next to the Stove (Alle corse di Auteuil: accanto alla stufa), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880-1881, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 71 x 100 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Pearl and Shel (Perla e conchiglia), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1879, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 73 ? 176 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
The Roughness Vesuvius: The Bay of Naples and the Island of Capri, by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1872, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 40 x 77 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Studio for Racing II (Studio per le corse II), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1880-1881, 19th Century, oil on canvas, 43 x 33 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Study of Man (Studio di uomo), by Giuseppe De Nittis, 1872, 19th Century, watercolor on paper, 26 x 16 cm, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
View of Place des Pyramides in Paris in 1875 Parisians cross the square near a construction site, 1875 (oil on canvas), Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
The races at the Bois de Boulogne Spectators watching horse races. Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884) 1881 Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt. Painting by Giuseppe De Nittis (1846-1884), 1884. Oil on canvas. Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Milan, Nittis, Giuseppe or Joseph de (1846-84) / Bridgeman Images