Women bewailing the garrison of Sinkat in the streets of Suakim, The Rebellion in the Soudan, from 'The Graphic', 8th March 1884 (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
Visit of the Emperor of Austria to the King of Italy at Venice, the Host and his Guest (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
Opening of the New Merchant Taylors' Schools by the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Archbishop of Canterbury offering up a Prayer (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
A Panic at an Indian Fair, a Runaway Elephant in the Sweetmeat Bazaar at Sonepore (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
The Relief of Ekowe, the Battle of Ginghilova, the Zulus attacking Lord Chelmsford's Camp, 2 April (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
The Prince and the Ploughboy, Mr Charles Mathews in the Prince of Wales's Box at the English Theatre, Calcutta (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
Arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh at Gravesend, Presentation of a Bouquet by Miss Beatrice Lake the Daughter of the Mayor (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images