Durand, Godefroy (1832-96)

Creator details

Durand, Godefroy (1832-96)

Assets (626 in total)

Original Costumes for the Velocipede Race in Bordeaux, 1868 (colour engraving)
Lambeth Market
Music Hall Performers (engraving)
Alexandria, Arabi Pasha and his Troops (engraving)
The Royal Victoria Coffee Palace and Music Hall (engraving)
The Expedition to Upper Burma (engraving)
Children's Christmas Dinner at Sea from the Graphic Christmas Number, 1889 (colour litho)
Envoys from Abyssinia presenting King John's Gifts to Queen Victoria at Osborne (engraving)
Auvergnats' Ball in Paris (engraving)
A Swimming Bath on the Seine at Paris (engraving)
The Catholic Emigration Mission, service on Board a Ship bound for Montreal (engraving)
On the Way to Siberia, Wives and Relatives of Exiled Prisoners in Voluntary Imprisonment at Moscow (engraving)

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