The Military Tournament at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, the "Musical Ride" of the First Life Guards (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
The Naval Review at Spithead, Her Majesty the Queen on Board the "Victoria and Albert" inspecting the Fleet (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
Our Indian Contingent at Malta, the Review before the Duke of Cambridge, Charge of the Ninth Bengal Lancers (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
The Sunday School Centenary, Review of 20,000 Children before the Prince and Princess of Wales in the Grounds of Lambeth Palace (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
Sale of the Horses of the Tenth Hussars at Tattersall's, "Crusader" under the Hammer (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
The Visit of the Crown Prince of Germany to Spain, the Crown Prince saluting the Flag of a Spanish Regiment at the Grand Review on the Prado, Madrid; 24 November (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images
A Reminiscene of Waterloo, depositing the Old Colours of the Second Battalion of the Grenadier Guards in the Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks, St James's Park (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images