Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) Assets (143 in total)
Allegorie du Concordat (sign between Pius VII and Bonaparte) of 1801 represented by Moloch as a compression device with Napoleon III and the Pope, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Henri d'Orleans, Duke of Aumale (1822-1897), military and politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Allegory of a “” reporter “” (journalist) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Louise Michel (1830-1905), teacher, worker activist, anarchist, nicknamed the “Louve Rouge””, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A bourgeois who asked the coach to take him Gare de l'Est is transported to Neuilly. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Caricatures: Armand Fallieres, French politician and President; Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar, Shah of Persia; Paul Magnaud, French magistrate and politician (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Flying leaf, number 5, Satirical in Colours, circa 1870: Badingoscope - Commune of Paris/War/Siege, Hunt, President of the Republic - Napoleon III - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. The coachman rebukes a bourgeois who goes to the park while her husband asked the driver to drive her to another place. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. Two cochers talk over a glass of alcohol instead of taking passengers. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A coachman refuses to take a bourgeois to Belleville (Quartier de Paris). Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait en pied de Francois Achille Bazaine (Francois-Achille, 1811-1888) marechal de France in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Eugene Pelletan (1813-1884), French literary journalist and politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Allegory of God in “The Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Patrice de Mac Mahon, Marechal of France in 1859, Duke of Magenta (1808-1893) President of the Republic from 1873 to 1879, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Francois Pierre VILLARET (1830-1896) tenor of the opera between 1863 and 1882 in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Gaston Alexandre Auguste De Galliffet, General Francais, (1830-1909) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Gustave Dore, cartoonist and engraver 1832-1883 in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Allegory of the “” stepmother “” (Belle mere) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Allegory of Amnesty in the 19th century in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Emile Zola (1840-1902) French writer in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images