Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909)

Creator details

Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909)

Assets (143 in total)

Dr. Emile Roux (1853-1933) and Diphtheria, from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho)
Caricature of Emile Combes (colour litho)
Portrait of Victoria Iere, Queen of England (1819-1901)
Portrait of Leopold II, King of the Belgians (Louis Philippe Marie Victor), Prince of Belgium, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, Duke of Brabant, (1835 - 1909) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature of B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Emma Valladon dit Theresa (1837 -1913) singer of French cabaret in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Henri de Rochefort (1831-1913) Marquis de Rochefort, journalist, politician and writer in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
portrait of Philippe Ricord (1800-1889), French surgeon in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Dr. Albert Calmette (1863-1933) from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho)
Portrait of the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) French politician
Portrait of Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Prehistoric art (colour litho)

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