Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) Assets (143 in total)

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Dr. Emile Roux (1853-1933) and Diphtheria, from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho)
Dr. Emile Roux (1853-1933) and Diphtheria, from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho)

CHT234622: Dr. Emile Roux (1853-1933) and Diphtheria, from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Caricature of Emile Combes (colour litho)
Caricature of Emile Combes (colour litho)

XRH1701531: Caricature of Emile Combes (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Victoria Iere, Queen of England (1819-1901)
Portrait of Victoria Iere, Queen of England (1819-1901)

XEE4169581: Portrait of Victoria Iere, Queen of England (1819-1901), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Leopold II, King of the Belgians (Louis Philippe Marie Victor), Prince of Belgium, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, Duke of Brabant, (1835 - 1909) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature of B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Leopold II, King of the Belgians (Louis Philippe Marie Victor), Prince of Belgium, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, Duke of Brabant, (1835 - 1909) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature of B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169672: Portrait of Leopold II, King of the Belgians (Louis Philippe Marie Victor), Prince of Belgium, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, Duke of Brabant, (1835 - 1909) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature of B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Emma Valladon dit Theresa (1837 -1913) singer of French cabaret in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Emma Valladon dit Theresa (1837 -1913) singer of French cabaret in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169574: Portrait of Emma Valladon dit Theresa (1837 -1913) singer of French cabaret in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Henri de Rochefort (1831-1913) Marquis de Rochefort, journalist, politician and writer in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Henri de Rochefort (1831-1913) Marquis de Rochefort, journalist, politician and writer in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169633: Portrait of Henri de Rochefort (1831-1913) Marquis de Rochefort, journalist, politician and writer in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

portrait of Philippe Ricord (1800-1889), French surgeon in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
portrait of Philippe Ricord (1800-1889), French surgeon in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169706: portrait of Philippe Ricord (1800-1889), French surgeon in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Dr. Albert Calmette (1863-1933) from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho)
Dr. Albert Calmette (1863-1933) from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho)

CHT234623: Dr. Albert Calmette (1863-1933) from 'Chanteclair', 1908 (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169629: Portrait of the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) French politician
Portrait of Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) French politician

XEE4169541: Portrait of Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) French politician, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169542: Portrait of Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Prehistoric art (colour litho)
Prehistoric art (colour litho)

LLM1095096: Prehistoric art (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Flying leaf, number 9, Satirique en Colours, 1871: Begging is forbidden... - Anticlericalism, Commune de Paris/War/Siege, Mendicite - Consequences des mesures laiques/Separation, Failure of the Church - Cures, Eveques, Jesuites - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909)
Flying leaf, number 9, Satirique en Colours, 1871: Begging is forbidden... - Anticlericalism, Commune de Paris/War/Siege, Mendicite - Consequences des mesures laiques/Separation, Failure of the Church - Cures, Eveques, Jesuites - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909)

ICA4849325: Flying leaf, number 9, Satirique en Colours, 1871: Begging is forbidden... - Anticlericalism, Commune de Paris/War/Siege, Mendicite - Consequences des mesures laiques/Separation, Failure of the Church - Cures, Eveques, Jesuites - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Paris s'amuse, number 6, Satirique en Couleurs, 1905_11_19: Le terrible Delcasse dit la Pie-Panthere - Bat, Delcasse Theophile, Oiseaux - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909)
Paris s'amuse, number 6, Satirique en Couleurs, 1905_11_19: Le terrible Delcasse dit la Pie-Panthere - Bat, Delcasse Theophile, Oiseaux - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909)

ICA4849217: Paris s'amuse, number 6, Satirique en Couleurs, 1905_11_19: Le terrible Delcasse dit la Pie-Panthere - Bat, Delcasse Theophile, Oiseaux - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Chambard socialiste””, Satirique en Colours, 1894_12_29: Egalite - Germany Prussia, Helmet a pointe, Case Dreyfus - Dreyfus Alfred, Bazaine Francois - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909)
Cover of “” Le Chambard socialiste””, Satirique en Colours, 1894_12_29: Egalite - Germany Prussia, Helmet a pointe, Case Dreyfus - Dreyfus Alfred, Bazaine Francois - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909)

ICA4888422: Cover of “” Le Chambard socialiste””, Satirique en Colours, 1894_12_29: Egalite - Germany Prussia, Helmet a pointe, Case Dreyfus - Dreyfus Alfred, Bazaine Francois - Illustration by Moloch (1849-1909), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Charles Loyson, (1791 -1820) French poet, publicist and writer. Charles Loyson, better known by his religious name Pere Hyacinthe.
Portrait of Charles Loyson, (1791 -1820) French poet, publicist and writer. Charles Loyson, better known by his religious name Pere Hyacinthe.

XEE4170297: Portrait of Charles Loyson, (1791 -1820) French poet, publicist and writer. Charles Loyson, better known by his religious name Pere Hyacinthe., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Amedee Mary I of Savoy, (Amadeo I, 1845-1890), King of Spain.
Portrait of Amedee Mary I of Savoy, (Amadeo I, 1845-1890), King of Spain.

XEE4169616: Portrait of Amedee Mary I of Savoy, (Amadeo I, 1845-1890), King of Spain., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Jules Grevy (1807-1891) president of the French Republic in “” Le Trombinoscope””” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Jules Grevy (1807-1891) president of the French Republic in “” Le Trombinoscope””” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169619: Portrait of Jules Grevy (1807-1891) president of the French Republic in “” Le Trombinoscope””” by Touchatout, caricature by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898) Chancellor of Prussia
Portrait of Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898) Chancellor of Prussia

XEE4169662: Portrait of Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898) Chancellor of Prussia, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Imperial Prince Eugene Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1856-1879), son of Napoleon III. in “The Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, 1882 (colour litho)
Portrait of Imperial Prince Eugene Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1856-1879), son of Napoleon III. in “The Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, 1882 (colour litho)

XEE4169870: Portrait of Imperial Prince Eugene Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1856-1879), son of Napoleon III. in “The Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, 1882 (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Eugene Rouher (1814-1884), French politician
Portrait of Eugene Rouher (1814-1884), French politician

XEE4169564: Portrait of Eugene Rouher (1814-1884), French politician, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Victorian Sardou (1831-1908), French playwright
Portrait of Victorian Sardou (1831-1908), French playwright

XEE4169587: Portrait of Victorian Sardou (1831-1908), French playwright, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Francois Ferdinand Philippe, Prince of Joinville (1818-1900)
Portrait of Francois Ferdinand Philippe, Prince of Joinville (1818-1900)

XEE4169599: Portrait of Francois Ferdinand Philippe, Prince of Joinville (1818-1900), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Actor Mount-Sully (Jean Sully Mounet, Mounet Sully, 1841-1916)””
Portrait of the Actor Mount-Sully (Jean Sully Mounet, Mounet Sully, 1841-1916)””

XEE4169603: Portrait of the Actor Mount-Sully (Jean Sully Mounet, Mounet Sully, 1841-1916)””, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Allegorie de la republique (Marianne) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Allegorie de la republique (Marianne) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169618: Allegorie de la republique (Marianne) in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Emile de Girardin, French journalist, publicist and politician 1806-1881
Portrait of Emile de Girardin, French journalist, publicist and politician 1806-1881

XEE4169661: Portrait of Emile de Girardin, French journalist, publicist and politician 1806-1881, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Albert, Duke of Broglie (1821-1901), French historian and politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Portrait of Albert, Duke of Broglie (1821-1901), French historian and politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169700: Portrait of Albert, Duke of Broglie (1821-1901), French historian and politician in “Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of the French Senate in the 19th century
Allegory of the French Senate in the 19th century

XEE4169859: Allegory of the French Senate in the 19th century, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Louis Joseph Buffet, (1818-1898), French statesman in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.
Louis Joseph Buffet, (1818-1898), French statesman in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection.

XEE4169871: Louis Joseph Buffet, (1818-1898), French statesman in “” Le Trombinoscope”” by Touchatout, cartoon by B. Moloch of 1882 (1849-1909). Private collection., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Alphonse Jean-Baptiste (Jean Baptiste) Karr, French writer (1808-1890)
Portrait of Alphonse Jean-Baptiste (Jean Baptiste) Karr, French writer (1808-1890)

XEE4169977: Portrait of Alphonse Jean-Baptiste (Jean Baptiste) Karr, French writer (1808-1890), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Moloch (1849-1909) for the Cover of Le Chambard Socialiste, 1894-8-11 - In the city - Censorship, Justice Proces, Repression - Dupuy Charles
Illustration of Moloch (1849-1909) for the Cover of Le Chambard Socialiste, 1894-8-11 - In the city - Censorship, Justice Proces, Repression - Dupuy Charles

ICA4885526: Illustration of Moloch (1849-1909) for the Cover of Le Chambard Socialiste, 1894-8-11 - In the city - Censorship, Justice Proces, Repression - Dupuy Charles, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Moloch (1849-1909) for the Cover of Le Chambard socialiste, no. 59, 1895-1-26 - Denouement - Censorship, Press/Media, Prisons, President of the Republic, Sainte Pelagie - Casimir-Perier Jean, Gerault Richard
Illustration of Moloch (1849-1909) for the Cover of Le Chambard socialiste, no. 59, 1895-1-26 - Denouement - Censorship, Press/Media, Prisons, President of the Republic, Sainte Pelagie - Casimir-Perier Jean, Gerault Richard

ICA4885599: Illustration of Moloch (1849-1909) for the Cover of Le Chambard socialiste, no. 59, 1895-1-26 - Denouement - Censorship, Press/Media, Prisons, President of the Republic, Sainte Pelagie - Casimir-Perier Jean, Gerault Richard, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The Image for Laughter, number 4, circa 1897_11_13 - Illustration by Alphonse Hector Columbus, known as B. Moloch or Moloch (1849-1909): An unknown angel - Dreyfus affair, Devil Island - Dreyfus Alfred, Scherer-Kestner Auguste
The Image for Laughter, number 4, circa 1897_11_13 - Illustration by Alphonse Hector Columbus, known as B. Moloch or Moloch (1849-1909): An unknown angel - Dreyfus affair, Devil Island - Dreyfus Alfred, Scherer-Kestner Auguste

ICA4885094: The Image for Laughter, number 4, circa 1897_11_13 - Illustration by Alphonse Hector Columbus, known as B. Moloch or Moloch (1849-1909): An unknown angel - Dreyfus affair, Devil Island - Dreyfus Alfred, Scherer-Kestner Auguste, Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Caricatures (colour litho)
Caricatures (colour litho)

LLM5999650: Caricatures (colour litho), Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A bourgeois politely asks a coachman to drive him while threatening him with guns. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860.
HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A bourgeois politely asks a coachman to drive him while threatening him with guns. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860.

LSE4088615: HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A bourgeois politely asks a coachman to drive him while threatening him with guns. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A coachman leads a bourgeois at all pace in the city under the pretext that he refuses to pay him on time but wants to pay him for the race. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860.
HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A coachman leads a bourgeois at all pace in the city under the pretext that he refuses to pay him on time but wants to pay him for the race. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860.

LSE4088620: HE. EX. EX. Motoredons: Cartoon of transport in the city. A coachman leads a bourgeois at all pace in the city under the pretext that he refuses to pay him on time but wants to pay him for the race. Drawing by Moloch (1849-1909), around 1860., Moloch (Colomb B.) (1849-1909) / Bridgeman Images

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