Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) Assets (839 in total)
"A la gloire des betes" text, editor Maison Alfred Mame et fils: Saint Pacome et les crocodiles (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Mustapha in Fontenoy, 1745 during War of Austrian Succession (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "A la gloire des betes" text, publisher Maison Alfred Mame and son: The lion of Florence (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
In Florence, in the theatre hall, Joachim Murat (1767-1815), 1910 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Joachim & Caroline Murat hosted a party in Paris' Place Vendome, 1910 (Engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Joachim Murat shared his money with captives in 1815 while imprisoned in Pizzo fortress, 1910 (Engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
History of France in the Middle Ages: Tomb of the King of France Louis XI (1423-1483), 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Birth of Louis (then King of France Louis XI (1423-1483), 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
History of France in the Middle Ages: the troops of Charles the Temeraire (1433-1477), 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon I Bonaparte in front of Moscow, 1812, 1921 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Meeting of Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) and Marie Louise of Austria (1791-1847), 1921 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Death of Marechal Jean Lannes (1769-1809), 1921 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) attended riding lessons of Marie Louise of Austria (1791-1847), 1921 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Le bon roy Henri": Portrait of Charles de Lorraine (1554-1611) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Le bon roy Henri": The Duchess of Montpensier (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Le triumphe du poilu (allegory of the French military paying homage to the hairy) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
George Washington with the army of General Edward Braddock (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Americans attack a redoubt in Yorktown on October 14, 1781 during the War of Independence (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
History of Belgium: Archduke Albert of Austria (1559-1621) (lithograph), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Belgian revolution of 1830: Dutch troops in Brussels park fired on by Jean Joseph Charlier's artillery (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
History of Belgium: Battle of Berchem Lez Antwerp, Frederic de Merode (1792-1830) (lithograph), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Drums of the 15th regiment of light infantry (1807 to 1812) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The defense of the Schoorbakke Tervaete loop by the infantry during the Battle of the Yser in 1914 (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
French troops held at all times: Strasbourg Pontonniers (1793) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Hunter of the Duke of Berry (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Legion de la Vistula, infantry (1808-1814) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Musicians of light infantry under the First Empire (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
August 2, 1914 (a Fancais mobilized for the First World War bid farewell to his family), 1914 (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The small drum of Wattignies in 1793 fell under the blows of the Austrians during the battle) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images