Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) Assets (839 in total)
Napoleon Bonaparte's 1799-1800 Italian campaign culminated in the Battle of Marengo on June 14, 1800 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon I Bonaparte created Place and Rue de Rivoli between Louvre and Tuileries in 1802 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the sacred of Napoleon I (1769-1821) at the cathedral Notre Dame de Paris on 02/12/1804 Illustration (artwork), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Jean Andoche Junot (1771-1813) and Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821), 1910 (artwork), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Les epees de France" : The Guardian of Square in the 19th century; Coll, 19th century (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Les epees de France": Piece de theatre au 19th century; Coll, 19th century (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Les epees de France": Allegorie des glories de France aux poilus de 1914, 1914 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Le bon roy Henri", 16th century (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Le bon roy Henri": At the age of four (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book " Le bon roy Henri" : In 1589, Henri became king of France (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Gueux remonstrate to Marguerite de Parma in 1566 under Philip II (lithograph), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Drums of the National Guard of Paris (1814-1815) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of the French troops at all times: Trumpet of the Legers Horses of Arenbergf (1807) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of the French troops at all times: Trumpet of the Orleans Regiment - Dragons (1781) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: French Navy, officers and sailors (1827) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Aide de camp of vice Connetable Louis Alexandre Berthier (1753-1815) (lithograph), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of the French troops at all times: Colonel of the Hussars of Chamborant (1784) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
George Washington passed Molly Pitcher during the Battle of Monmouth on 28 June 1778 during the War of Independence (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
King Albert (1875-1934) and the Belgian army face the German invasion during the First World War (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of French troops at all times: Swiss Royal Guard Officer (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Outfit of the French troops at all times: The arms of the States Majors, regulation of the Year XII (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Dinant inhabitants made scarecrow of Count of Charolais after storming city in 1466, 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Theophile Malo Corret de La Tour d'Auvergne returns to France to research Gaulish origins for his book, 1902 (etching), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of the book "La Tour d'Auvergne, Premier Grenadier de France" 1902, 1902 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "La Grande Guerre par les artistes": Une grande bataille en 1815 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Theophile Corret de La Tour d'Auvergne crunches door of Biriatou church, cutting off Spanish troops in 1793, 1902 (etching), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Blueberry (young recruit supervising German prisoners during the First World War) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
French military victorious in a village in Alsace during the First World War (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images