Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) Assets (839 in total)
History of France in Middle Ages: Jacques Coictier, 1st doctor of Louis XI (1423-1483), 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) returned from exile from Elba Island in 1815., 1921 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon and his soldiers saved Russians from icy lakes on Dec. 2, 1805, 1921 (Illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The Rhine Army and the French Revolution 1789: Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) charged the English at Toulon in 1793., 1910 (artwork), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon I Bonaparte lunched on a single dish at the gargotier Justat in Paris for 6 sous, 1910 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of the book “France, its story told by G. Montorgueil', 1896 (print), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Capture of Rome, in 390 BC - Brennus (Brennos), Gallic warlord who pronounced the terrible word Vae Victis (misfortune to the defeated), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Messengers taking refeshment at a roadside inn (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The French provinces attached to the kingdom of France during the reign of Louis XI (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
King Louis IX of France dispensing justice, 13th Century (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Joan of Arc liberating the city of Orleans from the English, 1429 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
King Francis I of France receiving his knighthood from the Chevalier de Bayard after the Battle of Marignano, 1515 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon is appointed commander of the French army in Italy, 23 February 1796 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Defeated for the first time, at a place know to geography as Waterloo, but to history as betryal. That day, Cambronne gave his last word. (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon on board HMS Bellerophon after having surrendered himself to the British, 15 July 1815 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon receives news of the death of his best friend, Marshal Lannes, at the Battle of Aspern-Essling, May 1809 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon watching Moscow burning, 15-16 September 1812 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon watching the Battle of Aspern-Essling from the top of a tree on the island of Lobau, 22 May 1809 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The Battle of Eylau, the bloodiest of Napoleon's victories, 8 February 1807 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon rewarding Marshal Lefevre by making his Duke of Danzig after his capture of the city from the Prussians, 24 May 1807 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The soldiers of the Old Guard trained their dogs to salute the Emperor, who returned their salutes, 1805 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
At the camp of Boulogne, Napoleon looked constantly across the Channel towards England, September 1803 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon inspiring his troops at the Battle of the Pyramids, Egypt, 21 July 1798 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images