Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) Assets (839 in total)
King Henry IV of France at the Battle of Ivry in 1590, 1928 ( litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Crowds on the streets of Paris greeting Louis XI as he arrives from Burgundy to claim his kingdom after the death of his father, Charles VII (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon Bonaparte leading the attack at the Siege of Toulon (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Joachim Murat (1767-1815) destined for the priesthood spent more time at the cabaret in Cahors, 1910 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) with Joachim Murat (1767-1815) during the surrender of Ulm in 1805, 1910 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Murat to Napoleon: "Fight is over, Sire, for lack of fighters!", 1910 (Engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Joachim Murat (1767-1815) king of Naples in 1808, 1910 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Joachim Murat (1767-1815) in Moscow offers a watch to Russians, 1910 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
History of France in the Middle Ages: King Louis XI says the Prudent (1423-1483), 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Prussia and Poland Campaign (1806-1807): the day after Eylau's victory, Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821), 1921 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "Les epees de France": Episode of the Franco Prussian War of 1870, Assault given, 1870 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The French during the Battle of Yorktown in October 1781 during the War of Independence (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
French troops held at all times: 9th Half Battle Brigade in Egypt (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon Bonaparte on Expedition to Egypt with the Armee and Scientists in 1798 (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Departed from Ajaccio in Corsica on December 15, 1778; Charles Bonaparte (1746-1785), 1910 (artwork), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
French Revolution 1789: Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) threatened by the crowd, August 10, 1792, 1910 (artwork), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Saint Eloi points out to the King of France Dagobert I ) that his trousers were put upside down , 1896 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Gifts presented to Napoleon Bonaparte at his coronation in Paris (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon watching the remains of his Grand Armee rossing the River Berezina on the retreat from Moscow, 1812 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon looking on as the last contingent of the army in the French campaign marches past near Reims, 16 March 1814 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Confronting the Sphinx, Napoleon thought he heard it murmur the word: immortality! (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon observing the slaughter at the inconclusive Battle of Eylau, February 1807 (colour litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Le reaper de Bouvines (peasant participating in the Battle of Bouvines in 1214) (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of the Pyramids in 1798 (litho), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
The King of France Louis XI said the Prudent (1423-1483), 1905 (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon ponders strategy during Battle of Bautzen (1813), 1921 (Illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Campaign of Russia. Battle of Moskova, Joachim Murat (1767-1815) prevented the retreat of the Friant division, 1910 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from the book "A la gloire des betes" text, editor Maison Alfred Mame et fils: The horse of the grenadier (illustration), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images
King Charlemagne educates a young child and invents the school, 1896 (engraving), Job, pseudonym for Onfray de Breville, Jacques (1858-1931) / Bridgeman Images