Kudurru, from time of Marduk-nadin-akhi, King of Babylon, back view, c.1120 BC (black serpentine) (see also 286956, 286958) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Oriental antiquite: medical tablet engraved with cuneiform writing drawn up after a liver examination for presages, Period Seleucide and Parthe, from Mesopotamia (stone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Mesopotamie: Statuette of kneeling worshiper, ex-voto dedicated to the god Amurru, -1800 BC (silver, bronze and gold), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Stela of the Vultures, dedicated by Eannatum, Prince of the State of Lagash, in celebration of his victory over the city of Umma, from Telloh, ancient Girsu (recto) Early Dynastic Period c.2450 BC (limestone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Kassite cuneiform tablet with Sumerian dedicatory(?) inscription from Ekur, c.16th–15th century BC (black marble), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
The worshipper from Larsa, front and back view, also known as King Hammurabi praying before a sacred tree, c.1750 BC (bronze & gold) (see also 286951) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Kudurru,from time of Marduk-nadin-akhi, King of Babylon, front view, c.1120 BC (black serpentine) (see also 286957, 286958) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Woman with the shawl, woman holding an aryballos, back view, Neo-Sumerian, from Telloh, ancient Girsu, c.2150 BC (chlorite) (see also 286959, 286960) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Mesopotamia: statue in diorite without inscription of Gudea, governor of the city of Lagash, c.2150 BC (wood), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Mesopotamia: bronze statue and lion in limestone, guardian of the temple of Dagan great god of the Middle Euphrates region (bronze, limestone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Mesopotamia: dedicating offering a bull to a deity. Statuette of limestone. From Sumer, South Mesopotamia. 2500-2400 BC (limestone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images