Female figurine from the Necropolis of Tell es-Sawwan, central Mesopotamia, c.5800-5500 BC (alabaster inlaid with bitumen), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Statue of Itur-Shamagen, King of Mari, at prayer, from Mari, Middle Euphrates, 2800-2300 BC (alabaster) (see also 187144), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Gate guardian in the form of a lion, from the Temple of Dagan in Mari, Middle Euphrates, Isin-Larsa Period (copper), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Oriental Antiquities: detail of an albaster relief representing Sargon II giving orders to a senior official, 722-705 BC (bas-relief), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Mesopotamia: colossal spear inscribed in the name of "Lugal, King of Kish". Archaic dynasty. 2600 BC (metal), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images
Mesopotamie: foundation figurine (nail and its copper support) of Ur Nanshe, Prince of Lagash, -2800 BC (bronze), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images