Mesopotamian Assets (166 in total)

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Code of Hammurabi: the god Shamash dictating his laws to Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, Iran, c.1750 BC (diorite) (for detail see 69507)
Code of Hammurabi: the god Shamash dictating his laws to Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, Iran, c.1750 BC (diorite) (for detail see 69507)

XIR69506: Code of Hammurabi: the god Shamash dictating his laws to Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, Iran, c.1750 BC (diorite) (for detail see 69507), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Accounts Table with cuneiform script, c.2400 BC (terracotta)
Accounts Table with cuneiform script, c.2400 BC (terracotta)

REV116847: Accounts Table with cuneiform script, c.2400 BC (terracotta), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Vase, Style I, from Susa, Iran, 5000-4000 BC (ceramic)
Vase, Style I, from Susa, Iran, 5000-4000 BC (ceramic)

XIR156846: Vase, Style I, from Susa, Iran, 5000-4000 BC (ceramic), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Code of Hammurabi (basalt) (see also 286949) (b/w photo)
Code of Hammurabi (basalt) (see also 286949) (b/w photo)

XIR286950: Code of Hammurabi (basalt) (see also 286949) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Victory stele of Naram-Sin, King of Akkad, over the mountain-dwelling Lullubi, Akkadian Period, c.2230 BC (pink sandstone)
Victory stele of Naram-Sin, King of Akkad, over the mountain-dwelling Lullubi, Akkadian Period, c.2230 BC (pink sandstone)

LOU71511: Victory stele of Naram-Sin, King of Akkad, over the mountain-dwelling Lullubi, Akkadian Period, c.2230 BC (pink sandstone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Tablet with fourteen lines of a mathematical text in cuneiform script and a geometric design (stone)
Tablet with fourteen lines of a mathematical text in cuneiform script and a geometric design (stone)

XIR184028: Tablet with fourteen lines of a mathematical text in cuneiform script and a geometric design (stone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Tablet with cuneiform script detailing a contract for selling a field and a house, from Shuruppak, c.2600 BC (stone)
Tablet with cuneiform script detailing a contract for selling a field and a house, from Shuruppak, c.2600 BC (stone)

XIR156848: Tablet with cuneiform script detailing a contract for selling a field and a house, from Shuruppak, c.2600 BC (stone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Relief Figure of the Sun God Shamash dictating his laws to King Hammurabi on his Famous Law Code, Old Babylonian Period, 1760 BC (basalt)
Relief Figure of the Sun God Shamash dictating his laws to King Hammurabi on his Famous Law Code, Old Babylonian Period, 1760 BC (basalt)

XIR54253: Relief Figure of the Sun God Shamash dictating his laws to King Hammurabi on his Famous Law Code, Old Babylonian Period, 1760 BC (basalt), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Code of Hammurabi, top of the stele, the god Shamash dictating his laws to Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, c.1750 BC (basalt) (see also 286949, 286950) (b/w photo)
Code of Hammurabi, top of the stele, the god Shamash dictating his laws to Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, c.1750 BC (basalt) (see also 286949, 286950) (b/w photo)

XIR286955: Code of Hammurabi, top of the stele, the god Shamash dictating his laws to Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, c.1750 BC (basalt) (see also 286949, 286950) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Fragment from a stele of Gudea, 2150 BC (limestone)
Fragment from a stele of Gudea, 2150 BC (limestone)

ANC346899: Fragment from a stele of Gudea, 2150 BC (limestone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Woman, called the Lady of the Well or the Mona Lisa of Nimrud, from the Palace of Salmanassar III, 1400-612 BC (ivory)
Head of a Woman, called the Lady of the Well or the Mona Lisa of Nimrud, from the Palace of Salmanassar III, 1400-612 BC (ivory)

XIR195512: Head of a Woman, called the Lady of the Well or the Mona Lisa of Nimrud, from the Palace of Salmanassar III, 1400-612 BC (ivory), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2400-2200 BC (copper) (see also 187024)
Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2400-2200 BC (copper) (see also 187024)

XIR189592: Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2400-2200 BC (copper) (see also 187024), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Impression of a seal, from Tello, 3000 BC (plaster)
Impression of a seal, from Tello, 3000 BC (plaster)

ANC346881: Impression of a seal, from Tello, 3000 BC (plaster), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Victory Stele of Naram-Sin (2225-2185 BC) King of Akkad over the Lullubi, Akkadian Period, c.2230 (pink sandstone) (detail)
Victory Stele of Naram-Sin (2225-2185 BC) King of Akkad over the Lullubi, Akkadian Period, c.2230 (pink sandstone) (detail)

XIR165842: Victory Stele of Naram-Sin (2225-2185 BC) King of Akkad over the Lullubi, Akkadian Period, c.2230 (pink sandstone) (detail), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Votive figures unearthed at Nippur, Iraq, c.2800 BC (alabaster & gold)
Votive figures unearthed at Nippur, Iraq, c.2800 BC (alabaster & gold)

LEE270604: Votive figures unearthed at Nippur, Iraq, c.2800 BC (alabaster & gold), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a statue of Itur-Shamagen, King of Mari, at prayer, from Mari, Middle Euphrates, 2800-2300 BC (alabaster)
Detail of a statue of Itur-Shamagen, King of Mari, at prayer, from Mari, Middle Euphrates, 2800-2300 BC (alabaster)

XIR182049: Detail of a statue of Itur-Shamagen, King of Mari, at prayer, from Mari, Middle Euphrates, 2800-2300 BC (alabaster), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Investiture of the king by the goddess Ishtar, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari, Middle Euphrates, Isin-Larsa Period, c.1800 BC (wall painting)
Investiture of the king by the goddess Ishtar, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari, Middle Euphrates, Isin-Larsa Period, c.1800 BC (wall painting)

XIR204922: Investiture of the king by the goddess Ishtar, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari, Middle Euphrates, Isin-Larsa Period, c.1800 BC (wall painting), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Gudea, Prince of Lagash, statue dedicated to Ningizzada, Neo-Sumerian, from Telloh, ancient Girsu, c.2130 BC (diorite) (see also 71510 & 208106)
Gudea, Prince of Lagash, statue dedicated to Ningizzada, Neo-Sumerian, from Telloh, ancient Girsu, c.2130 BC (diorite) (see also 71510 & 208106)

XIR121795: Gudea, Prince of Lagash, statue dedicated to Ningizzada, Neo-Sumerian, from Telloh, ancient Girsu, c.2130 BC (diorite) (see also 71510 & 208106), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of an offering bearer with a votive inscription, from Uruk, Protoliterate Period, 3rd millennium BC (bronze)
Statuette of an offering bearer with a votive inscription, from Uruk, Protoliterate Period, 3rd millennium BC (bronze)

XIR188783: Statuette of an offering bearer with a votive inscription, from Uruk, Protoliterate Period, 3rd millennium BC (bronze), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Low relief in limestone of Ur-Nanshe, King of Lagash. Sumerian period. From Tello, -2550 BC -2500 BC (limestone)
Low relief in limestone of Ur-Nanshe, King of Lagash. Sumerian period. From Tello, -2550 BC -2500 BC (limestone)

JLJ4670650: Low relief in limestone of Ur-Nanshe, King of Lagash. Sumerian period. From Tello, -2550 BC -2500 BC (limestone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

War chariot pulled by two horses, 2800-2300 BC (ivory, mother-of-pearl & mosaic)
War chariot pulled by two horses, 2800-2300 BC (ivory, mother-of-pearl & mosaic)

XIR166032: War chariot pulled by two horses, 2800-2300 BC (ivory, mother-of-pearl & mosaic), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Model of a chariot, 2000-1595 BC (stone)
Model of a chariot, 2000-1595 BC (stone)

XIR157748: Model of a chariot, 2000-1595 BC (stone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Lamassu, from the Palace of Sargon II (stone)
Lamassu, from the Palace of Sargon II (stone)

PFH2635119: Lamassu, from the Palace of Sargon II (stone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Striding lion, Babylon, Neo-Babylonian Period (glazed bricks)
Striding lion, Babylon, Neo-Babylonian Period (glazed bricks)

BST261743: Striding lion, Babylon, Neo-Babylonian Period (glazed bricks), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Akkadian cylinder seal and impression of Shar-kali-sharri (c.2217-c.2193 BC) King of Akkad, Mesopotamia, c.2340-2100 BC (marble)
Akkadian cylinder seal and impression of Shar-kali-sharri (c.2217-c.2193 BC) King of Akkad, Mesopotamia, c.2340-2100 BC (marble)

XIR155979: Akkadian cylinder seal and impression of Shar-kali-sharri (c.2217-c.2193 BC) King of Akkad, Mesopotamia, c.2340-2100 BC (marble), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Three cylinder seals with impressions, 1st millennium BC (metal & plaster)
Three cylinder seals with impressions, 1st millennium BC (metal & plaster)

XIR239984: Three cylinder seals with impressions, 1st millennium BC (metal & plaster), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2334-2200 BC (copper) (see also 187024)
Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2334-2200 BC (copper) (see also 187024)

BAL199561: Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2334-2200 BC (copper) (see also 187024), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Code of Hammurabi, detail of the column inscription relating a collection of exemplary judgements enacted by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, c.1750 BC (basalt) (see also 286950, 286955) (b/w photo)
Code of Hammurabi, detail of the column inscription relating a collection of exemplary judgements enacted by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, c.1750 BC (basalt) (see also 286950, 286955) (b/w photo)

XIR286949: Code of Hammurabi, detail of the column inscription relating a collection of exemplary judgements enacted by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, found at Susa, c.1750 BC (basalt) (see also 286950, 286955) (b/w photo), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Bowl decorated with a geometric pattern, Style I, from Susa, Iran, 3100-3000 BC (terracotta)
Bowl decorated with a geometric pattern, Style I, from Susa, Iran, 3100-3000 BC (terracotta)

XIR156847: Bowl decorated with a geometric pattern, Style I, from Susa, Iran, 3100-3000 BC (terracotta), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Prince Gudea, c.2150 BC (diorite)
Statue of Prince Gudea, c.2150 BC (diorite)

XIR159255: Statue of Prince Gudea, c.2150 BC (diorite), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Cuneiform tablet with medical prescriptions, Ninveh (clay)
Cuneiform tablet with medical prescriptions, Ninveh (clay)

BLP1220356: Cuneiform tablet with medical prescriptions, Ninveh (clay), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Early Pictographic cuneiform tablet, Mesopotamia, Uruk, c.3100-2900 BC (clay)
Early Pictographic cuneiform tablet, Mesopotamia, Uruk, c.3100-2900 BC (clay)

BLP3288479: Early Pictographic cuneiform tablet, Mesopotamia, Uruk, c.3100-2900 BC (clay), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Tablet relating the ritual sacrifices at the Temple of Anu in Uruk (Warka) copy of an ancient text of 3rd-1st century BC (clay)
Tablet relating the ritual sacrifices at the Temple of Anu in Uruk (Warka) copy of an ancient text of 3rd-1st century BC (clay)

XIR208455: Tablet relating the ritual sacrifices at the Temple of Anu in Uruk (Warka) copy of an ancient text of 3rd-1st century BC (clay), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2400-2200 BC (copper) (b/w photo) (see also 189592)
Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2400-2200 BC (copper) (b/w photo) (see also 189592)

XIR187024: Head of Sargon I (c.2334-2279 BC) 2400-2200 BC (copper) (b/w photo) (see also 189592), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Harp player, 1830-1600 BC (stone)
Harp player, 1830-1600 BC (stone)

XIR195517: Harp player, 1830-1600 BC (stone), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

Zimri-Lim, King of Mari, before the Goddess Ishtar, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari, Middle Euphrates, 1778-1758 BC (fresco)
Zimri-Lim, King of Mari, before the Goddess Ishtar, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari, Middle Euphrates, 1778-1758 BC (fresco)

XIR159073: Zimri-Lim, King of Mari, before the Goddess Ishtar, from the Palace of Zimri-Lim, Mari, Middle Euphrates, 1778-1758 BC (fresco), Mesopotamian / Bridgeman Images

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