Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) Assets (362 in total)

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Delft, Netherlands, 1572-1617(engraving)
Delft, Netherlands, 1572-1617(engraving)

LRI4713411: Delft, Netherlands, 1572-1617(engraving), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Chios or Chio, Greece (engraving, 1588)
Chios or Chio, Greece (engraving, 1588)

LRI4714727: Chios or Chio, Greece (engraving, 1588), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

View of Hrodna or Grodno (Grodna), Belarus (Belarus) (etching, 1572-1617)
View of Hrodna or Grodno (Grodna), Belarus (Belarus) (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4707407: View of Hrodna or Grodno (Grodna), Belarus (Belarus) (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Stockholm, Sweden (engraving, 1588)
Stockholm, Sweden (engraving, 1588)

LRI4714480: Stockholm, Sweden (engraving, 1588), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Palermo, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)
Palermo, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4714716: Palermo, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Bremen, Germany (engraving, 1598)
Bremen, Germany (engraving, 1598)

LRI4715394: Bremen, Germany (engraving, 1598), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Wismar, Germany (engraving, 1598)
Wismar, Germany (engraving, 1598)

LRI4715477: Wismar, Germany (engraving, 1598), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

View of Heidelberg (Heidelberga), Spire (Spira) and Worms (Wormatia), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)
View of Heidelberg (Heidelberga), Spire (Spira) and Worms (Wormatia), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4708204: View of Heidelberg (Heidelberga), Spire (Spira) and Worms (Wormatia), Germany (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Isle of Ven and Uranienborg, the palace and observatory of Tycho Brahe located on this island, in the Sund (engraving, 1572-1617)
Isle of Ven and Uranienborg, the palace and observatory of Tycho Brahe located on this island, in the Sund (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4714330: Isle of Ven and Uranienborg, the palace and observatory of Tycho Brahe located on this island, in the Sund (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Vilnius, Lithuania (engraving, 1581)
Vilnius, Lithuania (engraving, 1581)

LRI4713839: Vilnius, Lithuania (engraving, 1581), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Berg Op Zoom, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)
Berg Op Zoom, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713248: Berg Op Zoom, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

View of the city of Messina in Sicily - Engraving by Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590) from “” Civitatis Orbis Terranum”” by Braun and Hogenberg - 1594 (View of the city of Messina, Sicily - Engraving by Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590) from “” Civitatis Hobis Terranum” by Braun and Genberg) - 1594 - Venice, Biblioteca marciana
View of the city of Messina in Sicily - Engraving by Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590) from “” Civitatis Orbis Terranum”” by Braun and Hogenberg - 1594 (View of the city of Messina, Sicily - Engraving by Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590) from “” Civitatis Hobis Terranum” by Braun and Genberg) - 1594 - Venice, Biblioteca marciana

LRI4648893: View of the city of Messina in Sicily - Engraving by Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590) from “” Civitatis Orbis Terranum”” by Braun and Hogenberg - 1594 (View of the city of Messina, Sicily - Engraving by Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590) from “” Civitatis Hobis Terranum” by Braun and Genberg) - 1594 - Venice, Biblioteca marciana, Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Autun and Nevers, France (engraving, 1572-1617)
Autun and Nevers, France (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713190: Autun and Nevers, France (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Maastricht, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)
Maastricht, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713243: Maastricht, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Chester - Great Britain (engraving, 1572-1617)
Chester - Great Britain (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713067: Chester - Great Britain (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Gaeta or Gaete, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)
Gaeta or Gaete, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713778: Gaeta or Gaete, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Dordrecht, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)
Dordrecht, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713434: Dordrecht, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Neuss, Germany (engraving, 1572-1617)
Neuss, Germany (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4714205: Neuss, Germany (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Visby, Gotland Isle, Sweden (engraving, 1598)
Visby, Gotland Isle, Sweden (engraving, 1598)

LRI4715378: Visby, Gotland Isle, Sweden (engraving, 1598), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Vues de Dunkirk (Duynkercke), Gravelines (Grevelinge) and Bourbourg (Borborch), France (etching, 1572-1617)
Vues de Dunkirk (Duynkercke), Gravelines (Grevelinge) and Bourbourg (Borborch), France (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4709050: Vues de Dunkirk (Duynkercke), Gravelines (Grevelinge) and Bourbourg (Borborch), France (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Views of Neuss (Novesium), Bonn (Verona), Bruhl (Brula) and Zons (Sontina), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)
Views of Neuss (Novesium), Bonn (Verona), Bruhl (Brula) and Zons (Sontina), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4709194: Views of Neuss (Novesium), Bonn (Verona), Bruhl (Brula) and Zons (Sontina), Germany (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Views of Candia (Candia), current Heraklion on the island of Crete and Corfu or Corcyra (Corphu), Greek island (etching, 1572-1617)
Views of Candia (Candia), current Heraklion on the island of Crete and Corfu or Corcyra (Corphu), Greek island (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4707541: Views of Candia (Candia), current Heraklion on the island of Crete and Corfu or Corcyra (Corphu), Greek island (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Views of Brunswick (Brusvicum), Lüneburg (Loneburgum), Breme (Brema) and Oldenburg (Aldenburgum), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)
Views of Brunswick (Brusvicum), Lüneburg (Loneburgum), Breme (Brema) and Oldenburg (Aldenburgum), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4708016: Views of Brunswick (Brusvicum), Lüneburg (Loneburgum), Breme (Brema) and Oldenburg (Aldenburgum), Germany (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Plan of Byzantium, renamed Constantinople (Byzantium nunc Constantinopolis) (present-day Istanbul), (Eastern Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire), Turkey (etching, 1572-1617)
Plan of Byzantium, renamed Constantinople (Byzantium nunc Constantinopolis) (present-day Istanbul), (Eastern Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire), Turkey (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4708534: Plan of Byzantium, renamed Constantinople (Byzantium nunc Constantinopolis) (present-day Istanbul), (Eastern Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire), Turkey (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Map of Frankfurt (Francofordia), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)
Map of Frankfurt (Francofordia), Germany (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4708220: Map of Frankfurt (Francofordia), Germany (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Destruction of relics and statues in churches, April 1566 (coloured engraving)
Destruction of relics and statues in churches, April 1566 (coloured engraving)

IBE5390402: Destruction of relics and statues in churches, April 1566 (coloured engraving), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Capture of Tunis by Charles V, 1569 (coloured engraving)
Capture of Tunis by Charles V, 1569 (coloured engraving)

CCI1996163: Capture of Tunis by Charles V, 1569 (coloured engraving), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Views of Toledo and Valladolid (Vallisoletum), Spain (etching, 1572-1617)
Views of Toledo and Valladolid (Vallisoletum), Spain (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4707158: Views of Toledo and Valladolid (Vallisoletum), Spain (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Views of Marburg (Martpurgum) and Cassel (Cassila), Germany  (etching, 1572-1617)
Views of Marburg (Martpurgum) and Cassel (Cassila), Germany  (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4708079: Views of Marburg (Martpurgum) and Cassel (Cassila), Germany (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

View of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), Israel (etching, 1572-1617)
View of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), Israel (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4707561: View of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), Israel (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

View of Tunis (Tunes), Tunisia, with the fortress of Goulette (Guleta Arx) which controls access to Lake Tunis and the new fortress (nova arx) in front of the city walls (etching, 1572-1617)
View of Tunis (Tunes), Tunisia, with the fortress of Goulette (Guleta Arx) which controls access to Lake Tunis and the new fortress (nova arx) in front of the city walls (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4707732: View of Tunis (Tunes), Tunisia, with the fortress of Goulette (Guleta Arx) which controls access to Lake Tunis and the new fortress (nova arx) in front of the city walls (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Plan of Metz (Mets), France (etching, 1572-1617)
Plan of Metz (Mets), France (etching, 1572-1617)

LRI4708889: Plan of Metz (Mets), France (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Bois le Duc, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)
Bois le Duc, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713998: Bois le Duc, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Lille, France (engraving, 1572-1617)
Lille, France (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713307: Lille, France (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Kampen and the river IJssel or Yssel, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)
Kampen and the river IJssel or Yssel, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713499: Kampen and the river IJssel or Yssel, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

Deventer, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)
Deventer, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617)

LRI4713501: Deventer, Netherlands (engraving, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images

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