The Giralda of Sevilla, Spain - 5 views: San Juan on Guadalquivir, Gerena, 3 Roman tombs and towers at side, one cutaway showing George Hufnagel ascending on horseback (engraving, 1598), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images
Views of Montpellier (Monspessulanus), Tours (Turo) and Poitiers (Pictavis), France (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images
Views of Conil de la Frontera (Conil) and Xeres (Xeres de la Frontera), Spain (etching, 1572-1617), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of a View of Kassel, from 'Civitates orbis terrarum', edited by Georg Braun (coloured engraving), Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590) / Bridgeman Images