Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590)

Creator details

Hogenberg, Franz (1540-c.1590)

Assets (362 in total)

Ancient Rome, part A, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)
Ancient Rome, part B, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)
Tournament during which Henri II (1519-59) was injured by the Count of Montgomery and died ten days later, 30th June 1559 (coloured engraving)
Lucca, Italy (engraving, 1572-1617)
Ostia, Ancient Rome, Italy (engraving, 1557)
The Siege of Tunis or La Goulette by Charles V in 1535 (engraving)
Map of Mexico, illustration from 'Civitates Orbis Terrarum' by Georg Braun (1541-1622) and Frans Hogenberg (1535-90) c.1572 (engraving)
Cuzco, main center of Inca civilization (present-day Peru) image from “Civitatis Orbis Terranum” by Braun and Hogenberg, 16th century (engraving)
Abjuration of Henri IV and conversion to Catholicism at St. Denis on 15th July, 1593 (coloured engraving)
Views of Kozhikode or Calicut (Calichut) (India), Ormuz (Ormus) (Iran), Cannanore or Kannur (Canonor) (India) and St. George of the mine (S. Georgii) or Elmina (Ghana) (etching, 1572-1617)
Lebrija and Setenil - Spain (engraving, 1572-1617)
Plan of London from 'Civitates Orbis Terrarum', vol. 1, 1572 (coloured engraving on paper)

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