MAJ5031830: The Southern Pole and the surrounding constellations: Among the many constellations of the Southern Pole are the Indian, the Phenix, the Bream, the Octant, the Clock, the Compas and the Ship. Engraving from Camille Flammarion's “Les étoiles et les autres curiosites du ciel”, 1882. / Bridgeman Images
MAJ5033356: Paper fan model with a gouache painting representing the destinations of the Grand Tour, usually a practical journey by artists and intellectuals of the 18th and 19th century in the Mediterranean countries during their youth for their education and enrichment: a view of a temple in Paestum, a castle fortified on the sea and a lighthouse. 1780-1790 / Bridgeman Images
MAJ5033363: Paper fan model with a gouache painting representing the destinations of the Grand Tour, usually a practical journey by artists and intellectuals of the 18th and 19th century in the Mediterranean countries during their youth for their education and enrichment: view of the square and the Basilica of St. Peter (San Pietro) in Rome. 1780-1790 / Bridgeman Images
MAJ5033374: Paper fan model with a gouache painting representing the destinations of the Grand Tour, usually a practical journey by artists and intellectuals of the 18th and 19th century in the Mediterranean countries during their youth for their education and enrichment: view of Naples from the sea. 1790 / Bridgeman Images
MAJ5032223: Perspective studies. Per mostrare a che distanza sono gli edifici posti sopra una linea, il pittore fiorentino suggeriva di dipingerli di un'intensita d'azzurro, come l'aria, sempre maggiore in proporzione alla loro lontananza. Engraving from “” Treat de la peinture”” by Leonard de Vinci (1452-1519). “Trattato della pittura di Lionardo da Vinci”, Milano, Societa tipografica, 1804. / Bridgeman Images
MAJ5032244: Il pittore fiorentino utilizza l'immagine di Ercole (heracles) che stringe in un mortale abbraccio Anteo, che sollevato da terra non e piu invincibile, per studiare la figura umana mentre sostiene un peso. Engraving from “” Treat of Painting”” by Leonardo da Vinci (Leonard de Vinci) (1452-1519). “” Trattato della pittura di Lionardo da Vinci,””” Milano, Societa tipografica, 1804. / Bridgeman Images