French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac Shaking Hands With Adolfo Suarez (President of Spanish Government), Matignon Hotel, Paris, July 13, 1976 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Meeting of general Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler in Hendaye (in France, near the Spanish border) october 23, 1940. Franco doesn't want to get involved in ww2 / Bridgeman Images
Belgian SS Leon Degrelle with german SS police head Karl Oberg , French general Darland and Fernand De Brinon general delegate to the occupying authorities in Paris march 05, 1944 / Bridgeman Images
German soldiers on the coasts of the Channel (la Manche) : defence and preparations for possible allied landings, spring 1944 (Atlantikwall) / Bridgeman Images
Les Village People is an American disco band produced by two French artists: Jacques Morali and Henri Belolo in the 80s\nVillage PEOPLE, US-American Disco Band (1980s)\n / Bridgeman Images