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1963, portrait de l'actrice Sophia Loren avec sa soeur Maria Scicolone et sa niece Alessandra.
1963, portrait de l'actrice Sophia Loren avec sa soeur Maria Scicolone et sa niece Alessandra.

OLA5344948: 1963, portrait de l'actrice Sophia Loren avec sa soeur Maria Scicolone et sa niece Alessandra. / Bridgeman Images

Sabaudia (Latina), le 20/09/1934. Benito MUSSOLINI à Sabaudia pour la cérémonie de remise des prix aux agriculteurs.
Sabaudia (Latina), le 20/09/1934. Benito MUSSOLINI à Sabaudia pour la cérémonie de remise des prix aux agriculteurs.

OLA5345680: Sabaudia (Latina), le 20/09/1934. Benito MUSSOLINI à Sabaudia pour la cérémonie de remise des prix aux agriculteurs. / Bridgeman Images

Turin, le 14/05/1939. Discours de Benito Mussolini tenu Place Vittorio Veneto peu après son arrivée à Turin.
Turin, le 14/05/1939. Discours de Benito Mussolini tenu Place Vittorio Veneto peu après son arrivée à Turin.

OLA5345700: Turin, le 14/05/1939. Discours de Benito Mussolini tenu Place Vittorio Veneto peu après son arrivée à Turin. / Bridgeman Images

Société italienne: Milan 1956. Famille réunie autour du poste de télévision. © Farabola/ Leemage
Société italienne: Milan 1956. Famille réunie autour du poste de télévision. © Farabola/ Leemage

OLA5346998: Société italienne: Milan 1956. Famille réunie autour du poste de télévision. © Farabola/ Leemage / Bridgeman Images

Sir William Lyons - Jaguar Cars founder, chairman and chief executive. 12th July 1966 (b/w photo)
Sir William Lyons - Jaguar Cars founder, chairman and chief executive. 12th July 1966 (b/w photo)

MPX5166965: Sir William Lyons - Jaguar Cars founder, chairman and chief executive. 12th July 1966 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Catherine Deneuve (Picture, 1966)
Catherine Deneuve (Picture, 1966)

OLA5365266: Catherine Deneuve (Picture, 1966) / Bridgeman Images

Turin, portrait of John Elkann as a teenager (nephew of Gianni Agnelli) (photo)
Turin, portrait of John Elkann as a teenager (nephew of Gianni Agnelli) (photo)

OLA5355879: Turin, portrait of John Elkann as a teenager (nephew of Gianni Agnelli) (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Walkman Sony
Walkman Sony

ELZ5323103: Walkman Sony / Bridgeman Images

Ecrivain italien, Elio Vittorini avec son chat en avril 1961.
Ecrivain italien, Elio Vittorini avec son chat en avril 1961.

OLA5334513: Ecrivain italien, Elio Vittorini avec son chat en avril 1961. / Bridgeman Images

Munich agreements in 30/09/1938 (b/w photo)
Munich agreements in 30/09/1938 (b/w photo)

OLA5335070: Munich agreements in 30/09/1938 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Rome le 27/12/1983. Le Pape Jean Paul II rencontre Ali Agca dans la prison de Rebibbia.
Rome le 27/12/1983. Le Pape Jean Paul II rencontre Ali Agca dans la prison de Rebibbia.

OLA5335615: Rome le 27/12/1983. Le Pape Jean Paul II rencontre Ali Agca dans la prison de Rebibbia. / Bridgeman Images

John Lennon and Yoko Ono at the Hotel du Cap Eden Roc, Antibes, 1970 (photo)
John Lennon and Yoko Ono at the Hotel du Cap Eden Roc, Antibes, 1970 (photo)

OLA5381537: John Lennon and Yoko Ono at the Hotel du Cap Eden Roc, Antibes, 1970 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait de la cycliste italienne Alfonsina Strada, 14/11/1951 (b/w Photo)
Portrait de la cycliste italienne Alfonsina Strada, 14/11/1951 (b/w Photo)

OLA5377200: Portrait de la cycliste italienne Alfonsina Strada, 14/11/1951 (b/w Photo) / Bridgeman Images

Maria Callas as Lady Macbeth, Milan, 1952 (b/w photo)
Maria Callas as Lady Macbeth, Milan, 1952 (b/w photo)

OLA5371351: Maria Callas as Lady Macbeth, Milan, 1952 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

France Gall at home, Paris, 1966 (b/w photo)
France Gall at home, Paris, 1966 (b/w photo)

OLA5378469: France Gall at home, Paris, 1966 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Luciano Pavarotti, Milan, 1976 (b/w photo)
Luciano Pavarotti, Milan, 1976 (b/w photo)

OLA5374667: Luciano Pavarotti, Milan, 1976 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Alain Delon and Romy Schneider in the streets of Milan, 1960 (b/w photo)
Alain Delon and Romy Schneider in the streets of Milan, 1960 (b/w photo)

OLA5375371: Alain Delon and Romy Schneider in the streets of Milan, 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

5th Cannes Film Festival (1962) - Sophia Loren at her arrival in Nice (b/w photo)
5th Cannes Film Festival (1962) - Sophia Loren at her arrival in Nice (b/w photo)

OLA5384236: 5th Cannes Film Festival (1962) - Sophia Loren at her arrival in Nice (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Romy Schneider and Alain Delon in Cannes, may 1962 (b/w photo)
Romy Schneider and Alain Delon in Cannes, may 1962 (b/w photo)

OLA5384346: Romy Schneider and Alain Delon in Cannes, may 1962 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Yves Montand and his piano in his home in Paris, 1957 (b/w photo)
Yves Montand and his piano in his home in Paris, 1957 (b/w photo)

OLA5384359: Yves Montand and his piano in his home in Paris, 1957 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Pelé at the beach, Santos, Brazil, 1964 (b/w photo)
Pelé at the beach, Santos, Brazil, 1964 (b/w photo)

OLA5385107: Pelé at the beach, Santos, Brazil, 1964 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Paul-Emile Victor during the third French polar expedition to Greenland, Greenland, July 1950 (b/w photo)
Paul-Emile Victor during the third French polar expedition to Greenland, Greenland, July 1950 (b/w photo)

PEV5958829: Paul-Emile Victor during the third French polar expedition to Greenland, Greenland, July 1950 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Paul-Emile Victor collecting ethnographic information, Ammassalik? Greenland, Summer 1934 (b/w photo)
Paul-Emile Victor collecting ethnographic information, Ammassalik? Greenland, Summer 1934 (b/w photo)

PEV5958717: Paul-Emile Victor collecting ethnographic information, Ammassalik? Greenland, Summer 1934 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by Peter Jackson, 2001
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by Peter Jackson, 2001

DIL5911197: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by Peter Jackson, 2001 / Bridgeman Images

La piscine 1969 directed by Jacques Deray
La piscine 1969 directed by Jacques Deray

DIL7144056: La piscine 1969 directed by Jacques Deray / Bridgeman Images

Pious image: Saint Anthony of Padua, early  20th century (notched card)
Pious image: Saint Anthony of Padua, early  20th century (notched card)

LRI4628955: Pious image: Saint Anthony of Padua, early 20th century (notched card) / Bridgeman Images

Lunar base - Illustration - Lunar base - Illustratio
Lunar base - Illustration - Lunar base - Illustratio

PIX4638777: Lunar base - Illustration - Lunar base - Illustratio / Bridgeman Images

10/1978, conclave pour l'election du Pape Jean Paul II dans la chapelle Sixtine. Photo Felici
10/1978, conclave pour l'election du Pape Jean Paul II dans la chapelle Sixtine. Photo Felici

OLA5352437: 10/1978, conclave pour l'election du Pape Jean Paul II dans la chapelle Sixtine. Photo Felici / Bridgeman Images

Buster Keaton in 'The General', 1927 (b/w photo)
Buster Keaton in 'The General', 1927 (b/w photo)

SZT3022116: Buster Keaton in 'The General', 1927 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

German soldiers on the coasts of the Channel (la Manche) : defence and preparations for possible allied landings, spring 1944 (Atlantikwall)
German soldiers on the coasts of the Channel (la Manche) : defence and preparations for possible allied landings, spring 1944 (Atlantikwall)

TAD1754496: German soldiers on the coasts of the Channel (la Manche) : defence and preparations for possible allied landings, spring 1944 (Atlantikwall) / Bridgeman Images

Propaganda poster of Marshal Philippe Petain during ww2, c.1941 (poster)
Propaganda poster of Marshal Philippe Petain during ww2, c.1941 (poster)

TAD1753773: Propaganda poster of Marshal Philippe Petain during ww2, c.1941 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Veronica's veil , also called the shroud of Turin , portraying the face of Jesus Christ
Saint Veronica's veil , also called the shroud of Turin , portraying the face of Jesus Christ

TAD1753175: Saint Veronica's veil , also called the shroud of Turin , portraying the face of Jesus Christ / Bridgeman Images

Swiss painter Paul Klee (1879-1940) here in december 1939 in Bern (b/w photo)
Swiss painter Paul Klee (1879-1940) here in december 1939 in Bern (b/w photo)

TAD1750611: Swiss painter Paul Klee (1879-1940) here in december 1939 in Bern (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Meeting of general Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler in Hendaye (in France, near the Spanish border) october 23, 1940. Franco doesn't want to get involved in ww2
Meeting of general Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler in Hendaye (in France, near the Spanish border) october 23, 1940. Franco doesn't want to get involved in ww2

TAD1745376: Meeting of general Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler in Hendaye (in France, near the Spanish border) october 23, 1940. Franco doesn't want to get involved in ww2 / Bridgeman Images

Belgian SS Leon Degrelle with german SS police head Karl Oberg , French general Darland and Fernand De Brinon general delegate to the occupying authorities in Paris march 05, 1944
Belgian SS Leon Degrelle with german SS police head Karl Oberg , French general Darland and Fernand De Brinon general delegate to the occupying authorities in Paris march 05, 1944

TAD1747156: Belgian SS Leon Degrelle with german SS police head Karl Oberg , French general Darland and Fernand De Brinon general delegate to the occupying authorities in Paris march 05, 1944 / Bridgeman Images

Les Village People is an American disco band produced by two French artists: Jacques Morali and Henri Belolo in the 80s\nVillage PEOPLE, US-American Disco Band (1980s)\n
Les Village People is an American disco band produced by two French artists: Jacques Morali and Henri Belolo in the 80s\nVillage PEOPLE, US-American Disco Band (1980s)\n

UTD1950524: Les Village People is an American disco band produced by two French artists: Jacques Morali and Henri Belolo in the 80s\nVillage PEOPLE, US-American Disco Band (1980s)\n / Bridgeman Images

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