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Star Vega in Lyra - Star Vega in Lyra - Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the main star of the constellation Lyra, located only 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere after Sirius. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will take the place of the polar star indicating the north in the year 14,000. Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star of Lyra constellation, located at 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second most luminous star in northern hemisphere. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will point north celestial pole in year 14,000
Star Vega in Lyra - Star Vega in Lyra - Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the main star of the constellation Lyra, located only 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere after Sirius. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will take the place of the polar star indicating the north in the year 14,000. Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star of Lyra constellation, located at 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second most luminous star in northern hemisphere. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will point north celestial pole in year 14,000

PIX4571757: Star Vega in Lyra - Star Vega in Lyra - Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the main star of the constellation Lyra, located only 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere after Sirius. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will take the place of the polar star indicating the north in the year 14,000. Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star of Lyra constellation, located at 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second most luminous star in northern hemisphere. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will point north celestial pole in year 14,000 / Bridgeman Images

Night of observation with a map of the sky - Nigth sky observation with a star map - A couple observes stars with a map of the sky. A couple is watching the starry sky with a star map
Night of observation with a map of the sky - Nigth sky observation with a star map - A couple observes stars with a map of the sky. A couple is watching the starry sky with a star map

PIX4566486: Night of observation with a map of the sky - Nigth sky observation with a star map - A couple observes stars with a map of the sky. A couple is watching the starry sky with a star map / Bridgeman Images

Spiral Galaxy M31 in Andromede - Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany him: M32 (NGC 221) at the top, and M110 (NGC 205) at the bottom. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great Galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years. Die Andromeda - Galaxie liegt in einer Entfernung von rund 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahren. Der Durchmesser der sichtbaren Scheibe betraegt 150.000 Lj. Zum Vergleich: unsere Milchstrasse hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 100.000 Lj. Nach neuesten Erkenntnissen enthaelt M31 etwa eine Billion Sterne, waehrend die Milchstrasse 100 bis 200 Milliarden Sterne enthaelt. The Andromeda - Galaxy ist umgeben von den beiden elliptischen Galaxien M32 und M110
Spiral Galaxy M31 in Andromede - Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany him: M32 (NGC 221) at the top, and M110 (NGC 205) at the bottom. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great Galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years. Die Andromeda - Galaxie liegt in einer Entfernung von rund 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahren. Der Durchmesser der sichtbaren Scheibe betraegt 150.000 Lj. Zum Vergleich: unsere Milchstrasse hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 100.000 Lj. Nach neuesten Erkenntnissen enthaelt M31 etwa eine Billion Sterne, waehrend die Milchstrasse 100 bis 200 Milliarden Sterne enthaelt. The Andromeda - Galaxy ist umgeben von den beiden elliptischen Galaxien M32 und M110

PIX4608891: Spiral Galaxy M31 in Andromede - Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany him: M32 (NGC 221) at the top, and M110 (NGC 205) at the bottom. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great Galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years. Die Andromeda - Galaxie liegt in einer Entfernung von rund 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahren. Der Durchmesser der sichtbaren Scheibe betraegt 150.000 Lj. Zum Vergleich: unsere Milchstrasse hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 100.000 Lj. Nach neuesten Erkenntnissen enthaelt M31 etwa eine Billion Sterne, waehrend die Milchstrasse 100 bis 200 Milliarden Sterne enthaelt. The Andromeda - Galaxy ist umgeben von den beiden elliptischen Galaxien M32 und M110 / Bridgeman Images

Disc on Voyager probes - This disc contains images and sound, summarizing the history of the Earth, destined for potential aliens. The lid is designed to protect the disc but is understated both externally and internally, giving information to read the disc
Disc on Voyager probes - This disc contains images and sound, summarizing the history of the Earth, destined for potential aliens. The lid is designed to protect the disc but is understated both externally and internally, giving information to read the disc

PIX4605718: Disc on Voyager probes - This disc contains images and sound, summarizing the history of the Earth, destined for potential aliens. The lid is designed to protect the disc but is understated both externally and internally, giving information to read the disc / Bridgeman Images

Voyager 2 probe near Neptune - Voyager 2 spacecraft near Neptune - Artwork - The Voyager 2 probe orbited around Neptune in August 1989. Artist View Voyager 2 orbited Neptune in august 1989
Voyager 2 probe near Neptune - Voyager 2 spacecraft near Neptune - Artwork - The Voyager 2 probe orbited around Neptune in August 1989. Artist View Voyager 2 orbited Neptune in august 1989

PIX4605742: Voyager 2 probe near Neptune - Voyager 2 spacecraft near Neptune - Artwork - The Voyager 2 probe orbited around Neptune in August 1989. Artist View Voyager 2 orbited Neptune in august 1989 / Bridgeman Images

ATV - End of mission - Artist view - ATV burn up - Artist view - Artist view of the European automatic cargo ATV entering the Earth's atmosphere. Designed to supply the international space station with various equipment, the ATV, with several tons of fuel on board, will be used to bring the station back into its orbit. At the end of the mission, he will automatically return to Earth or burn in his atmosphere. In combination with ESA's new Ariane 5, the 20.5 t, 8.5 m - long Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will enable Europe to transport cargo to the International Space Station. It can remain docked for up to 6 months, during which time it will be loaded with Station waste before being undocked and flown into Earth's atmosphere to burn up
ATV - End of mission - Artist view - ATV burn up - Artist view - Artist view of the European automatic cargo ATV entering the Earth's atmosphere. Designed to supply the international space station with various equipment, the ATV, with several tons of fuel on board, will be used to bring the station back into its orbit. At the end of the mission, he will automatically return to Earth or burn in his atmosphere. In combination with ESA's new Ariane 5, the 20.5 t, 8.5 m - long Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will enable Europe to transport cargo to the International Space Station. It can remain docked for up to 6 months, during which time it will be loaded with Station waste before being undocked and flown into Earth's atmosphere to burn up

PIX4603620: ATV - End of mission - Artist view - ATV burn up - Artist view - Artist view of the European automatic cargo ATV entering the Earth's atmosphere. Designed to supply the international space station with various equipment, the ATV, with several tons of fuel on board, will be used to bring the station back into its orbit. At the end of the mission, he will automatically return to Earth or burn in his atmosphere. In combination with ESA's new Ariane 5, the 20.5 t, 8.5 m - long Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will enable Europe to transport cargo to the International Space Station. It can remain docked for up to 6 months, during which time it will be loaded with Station waste before being undocked and flown into Earth's atmosphere to burn up / Bridgeman Images

The Palais des Etudes of the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris. Architects Felix Duban (1797-1872) and Francois Debret (1777-1850), reconstructions 1816. The building occupies what remains of the convent of the Petites Augustins (17th century) and the hotel de Chimay (1635), to which buildings were assistant in the 19th century.
The Palais des Etudes of the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris. Architects Felix Duban (1797-1872) and Francois Debret (1777-1850), reconstructions 1816. The building occupies what remains of the convent of the Petites Augustins (17th century) and the hotel de Chimay (1635), to which buildings were assistant in the 19th century.

TEC4598334: The Palais des Etudes of the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris. Architects Felix Duban (1797-1872) and Francois Debret (1777-1850), reconstructions 1816. The building occupies what remains of the convent of the Petites Augustins (17th century) and the hotel de Chimay (1635), to which buildings were assistant in the 19th century. / Bridgeman Images

Voyager 2 probe near Neptune - Voyager 2 spacecraft near Neptune - Artwork - The Voyager 2 probe orbited around Neptune in August 1989. Artist View Voyager 2 passes Neptune and Triton, its largest moon before leaving the Solar System forever
Voyager 2 probe near Neptune - Voyager 2 spacecraft near Neptune - Artwork - The Voyager 2 probe orbited around Neptune in August 1989. Artist View Voyager 2 passes Neptune and Triton, its largest moon before leaving the Solar System forever

PIX4605819: Voyager 2 probe near Neptune - Voyager 2 spacecraft near Neptune - Artwork - The Voyager 2 probe orbited around Neptune in August 1989. Artist View Voyager 2 passes Neptune and Triton, its largest moon before leaving the Solar System forever / Bridgeman Images

Winter sky in english Alps - Sky star above the Alps (Les Eucherts). In the sky, the constellation of Orion and the lactee path. December 23, 2014. Starry sky above english Alps. December 23 2014
Winter sky in english Alps - Sky star above the Alps (Les Eucherts). In the sky, the constellation of Orion and the lactee path. December 23, 2014. Starry sky above english Alps. December 23 2014

PIX4592901: Winter sky in english Alps - Sky star above the Alps (Les Eucherts). In the sky, the constellation of Orion and the lactee path. December 23, 2014. Starry sky above english Alps. December 23 2014 / Bridgeman Images

Persee Constellation - Constellation of Persia
Persee Constellation - Constellation of Persia

PIX4593202: Persee Constellation - Constellation of Persia / Bridgeman Images

Johannes Kepler - Contemporary illustration. Kepler Johannes (Weil 1571 - Regensburg 1630) German Astronomer. Johannes Kepler (Dec 27 1571 - Nov 15 1630) was a german mathematician, astronomer and a key figure in the 17th century astronomical revolution. Modern illustration
Johannes Kepler - Contemporary illustration. Kepler Johannes (Weil 1571 - Regensburg 1630) German Astronomer. Johannes Kepler (Dec 27 1571 - Nov 15 1630) was a german mathematician, astronomer and a key figure in the 17th century astronomical revolution. Modern illustration

PIX4650277: Johannes Kepler - Contemporary illustration. Kepler Johannes (Weil 1571 - Regensburg 1630) German Astronomer. Johannes Kepler (Dec 27 1571 - Nov 15 1630) was a german mathematician, astronomer and a key figure in the 17th century astronomical revolution. Modern illustration / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937) on the Basque coast in 1902.
Portrait of Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937) on the Basque coast in 1902.

YAC4122417: Portrait of Maurice Ravel (1875 - 1937) on the Basque coast in 1902. / Bridgeman Images

Pantheon, Paris, France
Pantheon, Paris, France

XEE4159887: Pantheon, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images

Wooden school bag, beginning of the 20th century, Musee de l'Ecole Carcassonne.
Wooden school bag, beginning of the 20th century, Musee de l'Ecole Carcassonne.

PCT4262911: Wooden school bag, beginning of the 20th century, Musee de l'Ecole Carcassonne. / Bridgeman Images

Double portrait of Aristide Boucicaut (1810-1877, entrepreneur and businessman) and his wife Marguerite (1816-1887),. Monsieur et Madame Boucicaut, merchants and philanthropists, are the creators of the department stores of Bon Marche - postcard beginning 20th century -
Double portrait of Aristide Boucicaut (1810-1877, entrepreneur and businessman) and his wife Marguerite (1816-1887),. Monsieur et Madame Boucicaut, merchants and philanthropists, are the creators of the department stores of Bon Marche - postcard beginning 20th century -

PCT4297547: Double portrait of Aristide Boucicaut (1810-1877, entrepreneur and businessman) and his wife Marguerite (1816-1887),. Monsieur et Madame Boucicaut, merchants and philanthropists, are the creators of the department stores of Bon Marche - postcard beginning 20th century - / Bridgeman Images

Gypaetus Barbatus/Bearded Gypaete/Bearded Vulture
Gypaetus Barbatus/Bearded Gypaete/Bearded Vulture

HFE4437347: Gypaetus Barbatus/Bearded Gypaete/Bearded Vulture / Bridgeman Images

Leptinotarsa decemlineata/Doryphorus
Leptinotarsa decemlineata/Doryphorus

HFE4444292: Leptinotarsa decemlineata/Doryphorus / Bridgeman Images

Cheilinus undulatus/Napoleon Fish/Giant Labre/Humphead Wrasse
Cheilinus undulatus/Napoleon Fish/Giant Labre/Humphead Wrasse

HFE4456804: Cheilinus undulatus/Napoleon Fish/Giant Labre/Humphead Wrasse / Bridgeman Images

Tadarida teniotis/Molosse de Cestoni/European Free Tailed Bat
Tadarida teniotis/Molosse de Cestoni/European Free Tailed Bat

HFE4431785: Tadarida teniotis/Molosse de Cestoni/European Free Tailed Bat / Bridgeman Images

Cinema: Portrait of Michel Deville in 1931, French scenarist and director.
Cinema: Portrait of Michel Deville in 1931, French scenarist and director.

LTE4415775: Cinema: Portrait of Michel Deville in 1931, French scenarist and director. / Bridgeman Images

Le Roi des Roi/Olivier/Olea europaea/Between 1000 and 1700 years old/The oldest olive tree in France/Roquebrune Cap Martin/Var/Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur/France
Le Roi des Roi/Olivier/Olea europaea/Between 1000 and 1700 years old/The oldest olive tree in France/Roquebrune Cap Martin/Var/Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur/France

HFE4453895: Le Roi des Roi/Olivier/Olea europaea/Between 1000 and 1700 years old/The oldest olive tree in France/Roquebrune Cap Martin/Var/Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur/France / Bridgeman Images

The Three Gables/Fontainebleau Forest/Seine and Marne/Ile de France/France
The Three Gables/Fontainebleau Forest/Seine and Marne/Ile de France/France

HFE4453450: The Three Gables/Fontainebleau Forest/Seine and Marne/Ile de France/France / Bridgeman Images

Tetrao urogallus/Grand tetras
Tetrao urogallus/Grand tetras

HFE4432212: Tetrao urogallus/Grand tetras / Bridgeman Images

Gutter Cat/Common Cat/Kitten/Mouse
Gutter Cat/Common Cat/Kitten/Mouse

HFE4439303: Gutter Cat/Common Cat/Kitten/Mouse / Bridgeman Images

Lycopersicon esculentum/Tomato 'Marmande'/Tomato
Lycopersicon esculentum/Tomato 'Marmande'/Tomato

HFE4441921: Lycopersicon esculentum/Tomato 'Marmande'/Tomato / Bridgeman Images

Begonia x tuberhybrida/Begonia tuber 'Non Stop'
Begonia x tuberhybrida/Begonia tuber 'Non Stop'

HFE4441922: Begonia x tuberhybrida/Begonia tuber 'Non Stop' / Bridgeman Images

View of the Francois 1st wing and on monumental staircase of the Chateau de Blois, Wing of the chateau built between 1515 and 1520 by order of Francois 1st (1494-1547) whose architectural decoration illustrates the Italian influence and the first French Renaissance, the Chateau de Blois, is part of the chateaux of the Loire. Photography, KIM Youngtae, Blois, Loir et Cher, Centre.
View of the Francois 1st wing and on monumental staircase of the Chateau de Blois, Wing of the chateau built between 1515 and 1520 by order of Francois 1st (1494-1547) whose architectural decoration illustrates the Italian influence and the first French Renaissance, the Chateau de Blois, is part of the chateaux of the Loire. Photography, KIM Youngtae, Blois, Loir et Cher, Centre.

YOU4418884: View of the Francois 1st wing and on monumental staircase of the Chateau de Blois, Wing of the chateau built between 1515 and 1520 by order of Francois 1st (1494-1547) whose architectural decoration illustrates the Italian influence and the first French Renaissance, the Chateau de Blois, is part of the chateaux of the Loire. Photography, KIM Youngtae, Blois, Loir et Cher, Centre. / Bridgeman Images

Chocolate/Theobroma cocoa/Cacaoyer/Cabosses Recolation
Chocolate/Theobroma cocoa/Cacaoyer/Cabosses Recolation

HFE4438515: Chocolate/Theobroma cocoa/Cacaoyer/Cabosses Recolation / Bridgeman Images

Philadelphus coronarius/Seringat/Mock Orange
Philadelphus coronarius/Seringat/Mock Orange

HFE4438811: Philadelphus coronarius/Seringat/Mock Orange / Bridgeman Images

Mimosa pudica/Sensitive/Mimosa modique/Sensitive Plant
Mimosa pudica/Sensitive/Mimosa modique/Sensitive Plant

HFE4438866: Mimosa pudica/Sensitive/Mimosa modique/Sensitive Plant / Bridgeman Images

Musa acuminata ssp. zebrina/Banana Tree Canary Islands
Musa acuminata ssp. zebrina/Banana Tree Canary Islands

HFE4460293: Musa acuminata ssp. zebrina/Banana Tree Canary Islands / Bridgeman Images

Thermes Napoleon/Plombieres les Bains/Vosges/Lorraine/France
Thermes Napoleon/Plombieres les Bains/Vosges/Lorraine/France

HFE4465550: Thermes Napoleon/Plombieres les Bains/Vosges/Lorraine/France / Bridgeman Images

Raivavae Lagoon, Southern Archipelago, French Polynesia (photo)
Raivavae Lagoon, Southern Archipelago, French Polynesia (photo)

HFE4468910: Raivavae Lagoon, Southern Archipelago, French Polynesia (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Mesolithic Burial/Teviec/Morbihan/France
Mesolithic Burial/Teviec/Morbihan/France

HFE4463719: Mesolithic Burial/Teviec/Morbihan/France / Bridgeman Images

Pink sand gypsum
Pink sand gypsum

HFE4463981: Pink sand gypsum / Bridgeman Images

Golden Pepite “” Irma””/The largest in Europe/Gold
Golden Pepite “” Irma””/The largest in Europe/Gold

HFE4463993: Golden Pepite “” Irma””/The largest in Europe/Gold / Bridgeman Images

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