Thomas Tallis writing his music. Coloured version. Entered service of Queen Elizabeth who granted him jointly with Byrd sole right to print music and music paper. English composer and organist c1505-1585. Church and secular pieces / Bridgeman Images
Early 18th century clarinettist by J.C. Weigel (1661-1726). Engraving. See Mozart's concerto for clarinet in A (K622, 1791). / Bridgeman Images
Johann Sebastian Bach at the clavichord, with his family at morning prayers. Woodcut. One of Bach's sons at the violin and another one singing. German composer & organist, 1685-1750. / Bridgeman Images
Penicillin mould, presented to the Student Representative Council by Sir Alexander Fleming when elected Rector, 1952 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
17 October 1945. Return of the heart of Frederic Francois Chopin, composer (1810-1849), to Holy Cross Church. It had been stolen by the German's during the Warsaw Uprising. / Bridgeman Images